Lesson Thirteen Flashcards
subject of verb interrogative pronoun for persons:
qui?/qui est-ce qui? (who?)
subject of verb interrogative pronoun for things:
qu’est-ce qui? (what?)
object of verb interrogative pronoun for persons:
qui?/qui est-ce que? (whom?)
object of verb interrogative pronoun for things:
que?/qu’est-ce que? (what?)
object of preposition interrogative pronoun for persons:
qui? (whom?)
object of preposition interrogative pronoun for things:
quoi? (what?)
Qui a vu Jean? / Qui est-ce qui a vu Jean?
Who has seen John?
Qui avez-vous vu? / Qui est-ce que vous avez vu?
Whom did you see?
A qui avez-vous écrit?
To whom did you write?
A qui est la montre?
To whom is the watch? / Whose watch is it?
Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé?
What happened?
Qu’avez-vous vu? / Qu’est-ce que vous avez vu?
What did you see?
A quoi pensez-vous?
What are you thinking about?
Lequel? (f. laquelle; m. pl. lesquels; f. pl. lesquelles)
Which?/Which one(s)?
may be used as subject of a verb, object of a verb, or object of a preposition. For persons or things.
Auquel des deux frères avez-vous écrit?
To which of the two brothers did you write?
to begin
je commence
I begin
nous commençons
we begin
(verbs in -cer and -ger preserve the soft sound of c and g throughout the conjugation: c becomes ç, g becomes ge, before a or o.)
to eat
je mange
I eat
nous mangeons
we eat
(verbs in -cer and -ger preserve the soft sound of c and g throughout the conjugation: c becomes ç, g becomes ge, before a or o.)
je mangeais
I was eating
(verbs in -cer and -ger preserve the soft sound of c and g throughout the conjugation: c becomes ç, g becomes ge, before a or o.)
to lead
vous menez
you lead
je mène
I lead
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
je mènerai
I will lead
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
to freeze
vous gelez
you freeze
je gèle
I freeze
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
je gèlerai
I will freeze
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
to buy
vous achetez
you buy
I buy
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
I will buy
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
to call
I call
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
I will call
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
to throw
je jette
I throw
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
je jetterai
I will throw
(verbs in unnaccented e + a consonant usually change the e to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e. Most verbs in -eler and -eter double the consonant instead of changing the e to è.)
to hope
I hope
(verbs in é + a consonant + er change the é to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e, except in the future and the conditional.
I will hope
(verbs in é + a consonant + er change the é to è when the consonant is followed by a mute e, except in the future and the conditional.
to call
the opinion (m.)
le déjeuner
the lunch
le petit déjeuner
the breakfast
to discuss/argue
in/while/by (+ present participle)
to hope
to freeze
to throw
la journée
the day
Considered as an extent of time. Compare: le jour, day, considered as a unit of time. Also soir, soirée.
to eat
to lead
Christmas (m./f.)
to place
la série
the series
la serviette
the napkin
to suggest
les vacances
the vacation (f. pl.)
venir de
to have just
Il vient d’arriver.
He has just arrived.
Il venait d’arriver.
He had just arrived.
la vie
the life
le voyage
the trip/journey
aller en voyage
to go on a trip/take a trip