Lesson Nine Flashcards
subject of verb relative pronoun for persons:
qui (who/that)
subject of verb relative pronoun for things:
qui (which/that)
object of verb relative pronoun for persons:
que (whom/that)
object of verb relative pronoun for things:
que (which/that)
object of preposition relative pronoun for persons:
qui (whom)
object of preposition relative pronoun for things:
lequel (which)
(lequel has four forms: m. lequel, f. laquelle, m. pl. lesquels, f. pl. lesquelles)
(the prepositions à and de contract as usual with le and les: auquel, auxquels, auxquelles; duquel, desquels, desquelles)
les dames qui sont arrivées
the ladies who arrived
le billet qu’il m’a donné
the ticket which he gave me
le garçon avec qui je parlais
the boy with whom I was speaking
les choses auxquelles je pense
the things about which I am thinking
Future Tense Endings:
-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont (added to infinitive, final ‘e’ of third conjugation verbs being dropped)
Future Tense of Donner:
je donnerai I will give tu donneras you will give il/elle donnera he/she/it will give nous donnerons we will give vous donnerez you will give ils/elles donneront they will give
je donnerai
I will give
tu donneras
you will give
il/elle donnera
he/she/it will give
nous donnerons
we will give
vous donnerez
you will give
ils/elles donneront
they will give
Future Tense of Finir
je finirai I will finish tu finiras you will finish il/elle finira he/she/it will finish nous finirons we will finish vous finirez you will finish ils/elles finiront they will finish
je finirai
I will finish
tu finiras
you will finish
il/elle finira
he/she/it will finish
nous finirons
we will finish
vous finirez
you will finish
ils/elles finiront
they will finish
Future Tense of Rompre:
je romprai I will break tu rompras you will break il/elle rompra he/she/it will break nous romprons we will break vous romprez you will break ils/elles rompront they will break
je romprai
I will break
tu rompras
you will break
il/elle rompra
he/she/it will break
nous romprons
we will break
vous romprez
you will break
ils/elles rompront
they will break
Future Tense of Avoir:
j'aurai I will have tu auras you will have il/elle aura he/she/it will have nous aurons we will have vous aurez you will have ils/elles auront they will have
I will have
tu auras
you will have
il/elle aura
he/she/it will have
nous aurons
we will have
vous aurez
you will have
ils/elles auront
they will have
Future Tense of Être:
je serai I will be tu seras you will be il/elle sera he/she/it will be nous serons we will be vous serez you will be ils/elles seront they will be
je serai
I will be
tu seras
you will be
il/elle sera
he/she/it will be
nous serons
we will be
vous serez
you will be
ils/elles seront
they will be
Future Tense of Aller:
j'irai I will go tu iras you will go il/elle ira he/she/it will go nous irons we will go vous irez you will go ils/elles iront they will go
I will go
tu iras
you will go
il/elle ira
he/she/it will go
nous irons
we will go
vous irez
you will go
ils/elles iront
they will go
Future Tense of Venir:
je viendrai I will come tu viendras you will come il/elle viendra he/she/it will come nous viendrons we will come vous viendrez you will come ils/elles viendront they will come
je viendrai
I will come
tu viendras
you will come
il/elle viendra
he/she/it will come
nous viendrons
we will come
vous viendrez
you come
ils/elles viendront
they will come
requires future tense when futurity is implied
requires future tense when futurity is implied
aussitôt que
as soon as
requires future tense when futurity is implied
Je lui donnerai ses lettres quand il arrivera.
I’ll give him his letters when he arrives.
to put
putting (present participle of mettre)
put (past participle of mettre)
Present Indicative of Mettre:
je mets I put tu mets you put il/elle met he/she/it puts nous mettons we put vous mettez you put ils/elles mettent they put
je mets
I put
tu mets
you put
il/elle met
he/she/it puts
nous mettons
we put
vous mettez
you put
ils/elles mettent
they put
to buy/purchase
the silver/money (m.)
the plate (f.)
immediately/at once
avoir l’air (de)
to seem (to)
la bonne
the maid/servant
le boulanger
the baker
le buffet
the sideboard
to (/at/in) the house (/store/office/etc) of
la chose
the thing
le couteau
the knife
la cuiller/la cuillère
the spoon
le devoir
the duty/task/exercise/homework/written assignment
to dine/have dinner
to place (in order)
la fourchette
the fork
gros (f. grosse)
to interest
le légume
the vegetable
mettre la table
to set the table
la nappe
the tablecloth
to forget (takes de before an infinitive)
le pain
the bread/loaf of bread
penser (à)
to think (of/about)
le potage
the soup
to prepare
to serve
le verre
the glass