Lesson Eight Flashcards
giving (present participle of donner)
finishing (present participle of finir)
breaking (present participle of rompre)
having (present participle of avoir)
being (present participle of être)
Imperfect Endings:
-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
Imperfect Tense of Donner:
je donnais I was giving tu donnais you were giving il/elle donnait he/she/it was giving nous donnions we were giving vous donniez you were giving ils/elles donnaient they were giving
je donnais
I was giving
tu donnais
you were giving
il/elle donnait
he/she/it was giving
nous donnions
we were giving
vous donniez
you were giving
ils/elles donnaient
they were giving
Imperfect Tense of Finir:
je finissais I was finishing
tu finissais you were finishing
il/elle finissait he/she/it was finishing
nous finissions we were finishing
vous finissiez you were finishing
ils/elles finissaient they were finishing
je finissais
I was finishing
tu finissais
you were finishing
il/elle finissait
he/she/it was finishing
nous finissions
we were finishing
vous finissiez
you were finishing
ils/elles finissaient
they were finishing
Imperfect Tense of Rompre:
je rompais I was breaking tu rompais you were breaking il/elle rompait he/she/it was breaking nous rompions we were breaking vous rompiez you were breaking ils/elles rompaient they were breaking
je rompais
I was breaking
tu rompais
you were breaking
nous rompions
we were breaking
vous rompiez
you were breaking
ils/elles rompaient
they were breaking
Imperfect Tense of Avoir
j'avais I was having tu avais you were having il/elle avait he/she/it was having nous avions we were having vous aviez you were having ils/elles avaient they were having
I was having
tu avais
you were having
il/elle avait
he/she/it was having
nous avions
we were having
vous aviez
you were having
ils/elles avaient
they were having
Imperfect Tense of Être:
j'étais I was being tu étais you were being il/elle était he/she/it was being nous étions we were being vous étiez you were being ils/elles étaient they were being
I was being
tu étais
you were being
il/elle était
he/she/it was being
nous étions
we were being
vous étiez
you were being
ils/elles étaient
they were being
Il étudiait quand je suis entré.
He was studying when I came in.
Pendant qu’il étudiait, je lisais.
While he studied (was studying), I read (was reading).
Il avait l’air fatigué.
He seemed tired.
Quelquefois il étudiait toute la nuit.
Sometimes he studied (used to study/would study) all night.
Hier, il a étudié deux heures.
Yesterday he studied two hours.
Quel? (f. quelle? m. pl. quels? f. pl. quelles?)
What!/What a!
Quelle heure est-il?
What time is it?
Quel est le numéro?
What is the number?
Quelle belle maison!
What a fine house!
Quel beaux jardins!
What beautiful gardens!
to come
coming (present participle of venir)
came (past participle of venir)
Present Indicative of Venir:
je viens I come tu viens you come il/elle vient he/she/it comes nous venons we come vous venez you come ils/elles viennent they come
je viens
I come
tu viens
you come
il/elle vient
he/she/it comes
nous venons
we come
vous venez
you come
ils/elles viennent
they come
Past Tense of Venir:
je suis venu(e) I came tu es venu(e) you came il/elle est venu(e) he/she/it came nous sommes venu(e)s we came vous êtes venu(e)(s) you came ils/elles sont venu(e)s they came
je suis venu(e)
I came
tu es venu(e)
you came
il/elle est venu(e)
he/she/it came
nous sommes venu(e)s
we came
vous êtes venu(e)(s)
you came
ils/elles sont venu(e)s
they came
Imperfect Tense of Venir:
je venais I was coming tu venais you were coming il/elle venait he/she/it was coming nous venions we were coming vous veniez you were coming ils/elles venaient they were coming
je venais
I was coming
tu venais
you were coming
il/elle venait
he/she/it was coming
nous venions
we were coming
vous veniez
you were coming
ils/elles venaient
they were coming
to hold
holding (present participle of tenir)
held (past participle of tenir)
Present Indicative of Tenir:
je tiens I hold tu tiens you hold il/elle tient he/she/it holds nous tenons we hold vous tenez you hold ils/elles tiennent they hold
je tiens
I hold
tu tiens
you hold
il/elle tient
he/she/it holds
nous tenons
we hold
vous tenez
you hold
ils/elles tiennent
they hold
Past Tense of Tenir:
j'ai tenu I held tu as tenu you held il/elle a tenu he/she/it held nous avons tenu we held vous avez tenu you held ils/elles ont tenu they held
j’ai tenu
I held
tu as tenu
you held
il/elle a tenu
he/she/it held
nous avons tenu
we held
vous avez tenu
you held
ils/elles ont tenu
they held
Imperfect Tense of Tenir:
je tenais I was holding tu tenais you were holding il/elle tenait he/she/it was holding nous tenions we were holding vous teniez you were holding ils/elles tenaient they were holding
je tenais
I was holding
tu tenais
you were holding
il/elle tenait
he/she/it was holding
nous tenions
we were holding
vous teniez
you were holding
ils/elles tenaient
they were holding
avoir froid
to be cold
bon (f. bonne)
good evening
le chat
the cat
le petit chat
the kitten
le coin
the corner
the school (f.)
à l’école
at school
to listen (to) (takes DO)
to study
le feu
the fire
to form
to strike/knock
to smoke
the hour/time (f.)
le jour
the day
la lampe
the lamp
la leçon
the lesson
le livre
the book
thanks/thank you
les nouvelles
the news (f. pl.)
to speak/talk
to pass/spend (time)
quelqu’un (f. quelqu’une; m. pl. quelques-uns; f. pl. quelques-unes)
pl. some
to relate/tell (a story)
la radio
the radio
to descend again/go (come) down again
to reflect/think
to come back/return
la soirée
the evening (considered as an extent of time)
compare: ‘le soir’ = ‘evening’ considered as a unit of time
la surprise
the surprise
le tableau
the picture
tout (f. toute; m. pl. tous; f. pl. toutes)
tout le monde
requires singular of verb
to knit