Lesson of October 22, 2024 Flashcards
What is “streptocoque” in English?
Example: My son has a ……………… so he needed antibiotcs.
strep throat
Example: My son has a strep throat so he needed antibiotcs.
What does this sentence mean:
He feels under the weather.
He feels a bit sick but nothing major (for example he has the feeling that he’s catching a cold.)
What is “fièvre” in English?
Example: He has a …………….
He has a fever.
He has a temperature.
What is “impôts” in English?
Example: We pay a lot of …………… in Quebec.
income taxes
Example: We pay a lot of income taxes in Quebec.
What is “pharmacien-ne” in English?
How do we pronounce “clinic”?
What is “diagnostic” in English?
Example: She received a cancer ……………
Example: She received a cancer diagnosis.
What is “opérer” in English?
Example: The doctors can’t ………. her.
Example: The doctors can’t operate her.
What is “chimiothérapie” in English?
(pronounced kee-mo-THÈ-ra-pee)
What is “globules blancs” in English?
White blood cells
What is “tumeur” in English?
What is “système immunitaire” in English?
Immune system
Which is right: “much” or “many”?
Example: We have ……… technicians.
Example: We have many technicians.
Many = countable
Much = uncountable
Much or many?
I don’t know if he has ………. experience.
I don’t know if he has much experience.
Which is right?
That’s the good car for you.
That’s the right car for you.
That’s the right car for you.