Lesson of October 22, 2024 Flashcards
What is “streptocoque” in English?
Example: My son has a ……………… so he needed antibiotcs.
strep throat
Example: My son has a strep throat so he needed antibiotcs.
What does this sentence mean:
He feels under the weather.
He feels a bit sick but nothing major (for example he has the feeling that he’s catching a cold.)
What is “fièvre” in English?
Example: He has a …………….
He has a fever.
He has a temperature.
What is “impôts” in English?
Example: We pay a lot of …………… in Quebec.
income taxes
Example: We pay a lot of income taxes in Quebec.
What is “pharmacien-ne” in English?
How do we pronounce “clinic”?
What is “diagnostic” in English?
Example: She received a cancer ……………
Example: She received a cancer diagnosis.
What is “opérer” in English?
Example: The doctors can’t ………. her.
Example: The doctors can’t operate her.
What is “chimiothérapie” in English?
(pronounced kee-mo-THÈ-ra-pee)
What is “globules blancs” in English?
White blood cells
What is “tumeur” in English?
What is “système immunitaire” in English?
Immune system
Which is right: “much” or “many”?
Example: We have ……… technicians.
Example: We have many technicians.
Many = countable
Much = uncountable
Much or many?
I don’t know if he has ………. experience.
I don’t know if he has much experience.
Which is right?
That’s the good car for you.
That’s the right car for you.
That’s the right car for you.
Which is right: “instead of” or “except”?
Can we move the lessons to Wednesdays ……………. Tuesdays?
Can we move the lessons to Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays?
instead of = au lieu de
Which is right: “instead of” or “except”?
I can have my lesson any day of the week, …………….. Friday.
I can have my lesson any day of the week, except Friday.
Which is right?
1) We train our technicians very well.
2) We form our technicians very well.
1) We train our technicians very well.
Explanation: Former = Train
What is “les Laurentides” in English?
Example: Tremblant is in the …………………..
Example: Tremblant is in the Laurentians.
What is “fréon” in English?
(pronounced FREE-on)
What is “asiatique” in English?
What is “en congé de maladie” in English?
on sick leave