Lesson of June 11, 2024 Flashcards
What is “pouvoir se permettre” in English?
Exemple: Tu ne peux pas te permettre de ne pas accepter mon offre!
can afford
Example: You can’t afford not to accept my offer!
What is “tranquille” in English?
Example: June is a bit ………. so far for the business.
Example: June is a bit quiet so far for the business.
What is “descendre” in English?
Example: The Bank of Canada ……………. interest rates.
Example: The Bank of Canada lowered interest rates.
How do we pronouce “debts”?
(we don’t pronounce the “b”)
What is “la classe moyenne” in English?
Example: The …………… is most affected by the inflation.
middle class
Example: The middle class is most affected by the inflation.
How do we pronounce “mortgage”?
What is “style de vie” in English?
Example: When our salary goes down, we need to change our …………….
Example: When our salary goes down, we need to change our lifestyle.
What is “balloune” in the car industry in English?
In auto finance jargon, “………………” refers to “negative equity”. It’s the difference between the amount I owe on my car loan and the market value of my car when the time comes to trade it in or sell it.
In auto finance jargon, balloon refers to “negative equity”. It’s the difference between the amount I owe on my car loan and the market value of my car when the time comes to trade it in or sell it.
What is “déchets” in English?
What is “chef cuisinier” in English?
Cook (normal)
Chef (higher ranking)
What is “tirage” in English?
At the hospital foundation dinner, there will be a …….. to win a Volvo car.
What is “classement” in English?
Example: In some hockey leagues, there are no more ……………..
Example: In some hockey leagues, there are no more rankings.
What is “compagnie de gestion” in English?
Example: I will buy the house through my ………………
Management company
Example: I will buy the house through my management company.
What is “Arabie Saoudite” in English?
Saudi Arabia
What is “certificat de naissance” in English?
Example: Alexandre has many different names on his …………..
Birth certificate
Example: Alexandre has many different names on his birth certificate.
What is “entrepreneur général” in English?
General contractor
(not “general entrepreneur”)
NOTE: The word “entrepreneur” exists in English but refers to all business people, not only in the construction sector.
What is “souper” in English?
Example: I go every year to the CHUS Foundation …………
Example: I go every year to the CHUS Foundation dinner.
(NOTE: “Dinner” is more used than “supper”, especially when referring to a formal dinner)
How do we pronounce “yacht”?
What is “mouchoir” and “papier essuie-tout” in English?
Example: Cascades produces paper-made products such as …………….. and ………….
paper towel
Example: Cascades produces paper-made products such as tissues and paper towel.