Lesson of July 18, 2024 Flashcards
Translate the following sentence into English:
Ça fait 5 ans que j’essaie d’avoir un lave-auto.
1) It’s been 5 years that I try to have a car wash.
2) I’m trying to have a car-wash since 5 years.
3) I’ve been trying to have a car-wash for 5 years.
3) I’ve been trying to have a car-wash for 5 years.
Explication: Quand on souhaite mentionner depuis combien de temps on fait quelque chose, on utilise le “present perfect continuous” (been working, been living, etc.).
Autres exemples:
I’ve been living in my house since 2004.
I’ve been working as a self-employed since 2013.
What is “mesures” in English?
Example: The employees are here to take the car wash …………..
Example: The employees are here to take the car wash measurements.
What can we say when we are in the middle of a conversation and we need to step out for a few seconds? (in French: Je reviens tout de suite!)
I’ll be right back!
What is “axé sur les ventes” in English?
Example: To be a good sales manager, you have to be ………………..
Example: To be a good sales manager, you have to be sales-oriented.
What is ADN in English?
Example: Making money is in my ………….
Example: Making money is in my DNA.
How do we pronounce “cylinder”?
Example: I like 6-cylinder cars.
Example: I like 6-cylinder cars.
How do we pronounce “Sportage”?
What is “valoir” in English?
Ma maison vaut 500 000$.
Ma maison valait 450 000$ l’an dernier.
Ma maison va valoir 550 000$ bientôt.
(be) worth
Ma maison vaut 500 000$. = My house is worth $500,000.
Ma maison valait 450 000$ l’an dernier. = My house was worth $450,000 last year.
Ma maison va valoir 550 000$ bientôt. = My house will be worth $550,000 soon.
What is “former” in English?
Example: J’ai formé plusieurs employés dans ma carrière.
(not “form”)
Example: I’ve trained many employees in my career.
What is “directeur adjoint” in English?
Assistant manager
What is “avoir hâte” in English?
Example: J’ai hâte d’être en vacances!
I can’t wait
Example: I can’t wait to be on vacation!
What is “brut” as in “Salaire brut” or “profit brut”?
Gross salary
Gross profit
What is “impôts” in English?
Income taxes
What is “plus lent” in English?
1) slower
2) more slow
3) more slower
1) slower
Explication: Les adjectifs d’une syllable prennent un “-er” à la fin pour dire “plus”. Exemple: Plus vieux = older. Plus jeune = younger. Plus beau = nicer.
Les adjectifs longs prennent un “more” devant pour dire “plus” Exemple: Plus cher = More expensive. Plus important = More important. Plus intéressant = More interesting.
Comme “slower” veut déjà dire “plus lent”, pas besoin d’ajouter en plus un “more” devant! 🤓
What is “air climatisé” in English?
Air conditioning
Air conditioner (the device)
What is “trottinette” in English?
How do we pronounce “residual”?
(rime avec le mot “bowl”)
What is “responsable de” in English?
Exemple: Il est responsable du service à la clientèle.
responsible for
in charge of
He’s responsible for customer service.
He’s in charge of customer service.
What is “asphalte” in English?
Example: The driveway has no ………. yet.
Example: The driveway has no asphalt yet.