Lesson of April 2, 2024 Flashcards
What is “notaire” in English?
Example: I have an appointment next week with the ……….
Example: I have an appointment next week with the notary.
What is “journée pédagogique” in English?
Example: My son goes to Bauer hockey school on ……………………
Ped day
Example: My son goes to Bauer hockey school on ped days.
What is “siffler” in English?
Example: When the ref ……………., the players need to stop playing.
Blow the whistle
Example: When the ref blows the whistle, the players need to stop playing.
What is the verb we use for traveling to work and back home after work?
Example: I live in Orford and work in Sherbrooke so I have to ……………….. every day.
Example: I live in Orford and work in Sherbrooke so I have to commute every day.
What is “terrain” in English?
Example: I bought a house with a 2-acre ……………
Example: I bought a house with a 2-acre land.
How do we pronounce “Florida” in English?
What is “intimider” ,“intimidation” and “intimidateur” in English?
Intimider = Bully
Intimidation = Bullying
Intimidateur = Bully
What is “comportement in English?
Example: Many kids have ………….. problems.
Example: Many kids have behavior problems.
What is “TDA” and “TDAH” in English?
Example: Many kids have ……. or …………..
Example: Many kids have ADD or ADHD.
What is “boucher” and “boucherie” in English?
Butcher shop
What is “assommer” in English?
Example: The player on the other team got ………………….. during the game.
Knock out
Example: The player on the other team got knocked out during the game.
What is “surtout” in English?
Example: We played well, ………………. in the third period.
Example: We played well, especially in the third period.
What is the short sleep we do during the day that lasts around 20 minutes?
What is “pénalité” in English?
Example: Our players got many ……………… for no reason.
Example: Our players got many penalties for no reason.
Where do kids go when they turn 5? (In French: maternelle)
Where do parents send their kids when they want to work but their kids are too young for school?
How do we pronounce “practice”?
What is “dépanneur” in English?
Convenience store
What is “faire trébucher” in English?
Example: He got a 2-minute penalty for …………………
Example: He got a 2-minute penalty for tripping.
What is the most common question for “comment ça va” in English?
How are you doing?
How is it going?
What is the usual answer to the question: “How are you doing” when asked by a friend or someone you know well?
Good, how are you?
Pretty good, yourself?
What is the usual answer to the question: “How are you today?” when asked by a store employee or restaurant employee for example (i.e. a person who doesn’t know us personally).
Good. (we don’t ask: “And you?”) We simply answer “good” and follow with what we want.
For example:
Good. I’m looking for a pair of jeans in size 27.
Good. I have a reservation for 2 people at 7:30.