Lesson of November 26, 2024 Flashcards
What is “optométriste” in English?
Example: J’ai rendez-vous chez l’optométriste cette semaine.
Example: I have an appointment at the optometrist this week.
What is “en solde” or “en rabais” in English?
Example: Les lunettes que j’ai achetées étaient en solde.
on sale
Example: The glasses I bought were on sale.
Which is right?
1) I have new glasses. I bought it last week.
2) I have new glasses. I bought them last week.
2) I have new glasses. I bought them last week.
Explanation: Glasses = plural
What is “coiffeuse” and “salon de coiffure” in English?
Exemple: Ma coiffeuse a son propre salon de coiffure.
hair salon
Example: My hairdresser has her own hair salon.
What is “mèches” in English?
Example: Ma coiffeuse va me faire des mèches.
Example: My hairdresser will do some highlights.
What is “châtain” in English?
Exemple: J’ai les cheveux châtains.
dirty blonde
Example: I have dirty blonde hair.
Plus j’ai de travail, plus je suis efficace.
The more work I have, the more efficient I am.
How do we pronounce “frequent”?
What is “formation” in English?
Example: I like companies that offer their employees a lot of …………………..
(not “formation”)
Example: I like companies that offer their employees a lot of training.
What is “raccrocher” and “raccrocher au nez” in English?
Elle a raccroché.
Elle m’a raccroché au nez.
hang up
hang up (on someone)
Elle a raccroché. = She hung up.
Elle m’a raccroché au nez. = She hung up on me.
What is “sauf”, “excepté” or “à l’exception de” in English?
Example: I can work any day, …………. Saturday and Sunday.
except (for)
(not “instead of”, which means “au lieu de”)
Example: I can work any day, except (for) Saturday and Sunday.
What is “rouille” in English?
Example: My car needs a treatment against ……………
Example: My car needs a treatment against rust.
His or her?
She was at the party with ……….. boyfriend.
She was at the party with her boyfriend.
His or her?
He was at the party with ……….. girlfriend.
He was at the party with his girlfriend.
What is “bloc à appartements” in English?
Apartment building
(not “block”)