Lesson of March 24, 2025 Flashcards
What is “salon du plein-air” in English?
Example: I went to the ……………… in Montreal last weekend.
Outdoor activity show
Example: I went to the Outdoor activity Show in Montreal last weekend.
How do we pronounce “Montreal”?
What is “imperméable” in English?
What is “sac à dos” in English?
What is “courant” in English?
Example: There is always some ……….. in a river.
Example: There is always some current in a river.
What is “lac” in English?
What is “siège” in English?
Example: It’s possible to buy a ………. for paddleboards.
Example: It’s possible to buy a seat for paddleboards.
What is “paysage” in English?
Example: I like to admire the ………. when I go paddleboarding.
Example: I like to admire the landscape when I go paddleboarding.
What is “tournoi” in English?
What is “être en retard” when talking about a task at work?
Example: I’m ………………… in the year close at work.
behind schedule
Example: I’m behind schedule in the year close at work.
What is “pandémie” in English?
Example: Things are very expensive since the ……………….
Example: Things are very expensive since the pandemic.
What is “mariage” (the ceremony) in English?
Example: My …………… was in the south.
Example: My wedding was in the south.
What is “être marié(e)” and “se marier” in English?
I’m ………..
I …………. 11 years ago.
(be) married
get married
I’m married.
I got married 11 years ago.
What is “les locaux” in English?
In Cuba, …………. are very poor.
local people
In Cuba, local people are very poor.
What is “Ça ne me dérange pas.” in English?
I don’t mind.
I don’t care.
(fais attention avec cette expression. Ça peut aussi vouloir dire “je m’en fous” lorsque dit avec une certaine intonation.
What is “sous-titres” in English?
How do we pronounce “might”?
What is “faire un voyage” in English?
Example: I might …………. next summer.
go on a trip
take a trip
I might go on a trip next summer.
I might take a trip next summer.
Peut-être que je vais aller à Montréal la fin de semaine prochaine.
Maybe I will go to Montreal next weekend.
I might go to Montreal next weekend.
I may go to Montreal next weekend.
Peut-être qu’il va neiger demain.
Maybe it will snow tomorrow.
It might snow tomorrow.
It may snow tomorrow.