Cours du 6 mai 2024 Flashcards
Comment prononce-t-on “color”?
Example: What color is your car?
Example: What color is your car?
Comment dit-on en anglais:
Comment vas-tu?
Comment va ta fille?
Comment va ton fils?
Comment va ton chien?
Comment vont tes parents?
How are you?
How is your daughter?
How is your son?
How is your dog?
How are your parents?
Quelles sont les trois principales façons différentes de demander “Comment ça va?” en anglais?
How are you?
How are you doing?
How is it going?
Comment dit-on “cher” en anglais?
Example: This car is very …………………
Example: This car is very expensive.
Quelle est la contraction de “How is”?
Exemple: How is your boyfriend?
Exemple: How’s your boyfriend?
Quelle est la contraction de “what is” en anglais?
Exemple: What is that?
Exemple: What’s that?
Quelle est la contraction de “who is” en anglais?
Exemple: Who is that?
Example: Who’s that?
Quelle est la contraction de “Where is”?
Exemple: Where is your boss?
Exemple: Where’s your boss?
What is “siège” en anglais?
Example: Is that your ………….?
Example: Is that your seat?
Comment prononce-t-on “camera”?
Quelle est la bonne phrase?
1) I’m home right now.
2) I’m at home right now.
3) Les deux (avec ou sans “at”)
3) Les deux (avec ou sans “at”)
Comment prononce-t-on “interesting”?
Comment prononce-t-on “interested”?
Quelle est la différence entre “interesting” et “interested”?
Interesting = intéressant(e)
Interested = intéressé(e)
Interested or interesting?
1) I’m not ………………. in sports.
2) Hockey is a very ………………. sport.
1) I’m not interested in sports.
2) Hockey is a very interesting sport.