Lesson of January 13, 2025 Flashcards
What is “moitié” in English?
Example: I started watching a movie. I watched ……… of it.
Example: I started watching a movie. I watched half of it.
How do we pronounce “practice”?
Example: I didn’t practice my English in the holidays.
What is “avoir le droit” in English?
Example: I ……………….to bring my computer at home.
be allowed
Example: I’m allowed to bring my computer at home.
J’ai le droit d’assister aux rencontres.
I’m allowed to attend meetings.
Est-ce que tu vas avoir le droit de parler de politique un peu?
Will you be allowed to talk about politics a little bit?
What is “J’ai pensé à toi” in English?
I thought about you.
What is “demande” in English?
Example: J’ai reçu plusieurs demandes aujourd’hui.
Example: I received many requests today.
What is “pauvre toi!” in English?
Poor you!
What is “couverture” in English?
Example: I like to watch a movie with a big ……….. on me.
Example: I like to watch a movie with a big blanket on me.
How do we pronounce “tomatoes” and “potatoes”?
What is “Attends un peu!” in English?
Just a second!
Just a moment!
What is “recette” in English?
recipe (pronounced WRÈ-see-pee)
What is “plus populaire” and “moins populaire” in English?
Epicure was ………… a few years ago than now.
Epicure is …………. now than it was a few years ago.
more popular
less popular
Epicure was more popular a few years ago than now.
Epicure is less popular now than it was a few years ago.
What is “goût” or “goûter” in English?
I like to ………. new recipes.
I prefer the ……… of regular yogurt than the taste of Greek yogurt.
I like to taste new recipes.
I prefer the taste of regular yogurt than the taste of Greek yogurt.
What is “four” in English?
Example: I always bake my lasagna in the ………………..
Example: I always bake my lasagna in the oven.
What is “farine” in English and how do we pronounce it?
Ecris la phrase dictée:
I worked on the file half of the day.
Ecris la phrase dictée:
You’re not allowed to bring your work computer at home.
Ecris la phrase dictée:
I receive many requests every day.
Ecris la phrase dictée:
I need to practice my English every day with my husband.
What is “5 à 7” in English?
Example: I like to organize ……….. at my house.
Happy hour
Example: I like to organize Happy hours at my house.