Lesson 99 - Energy Flashcards
What is energy?
ability to do work or cause change
What is sound energy?
energy that we can hear
What causes sound to happen?
when something vibrates
How is sound described?
loud (shout) or soft (whisper)
How is pitch descirbed?
high (bird’s chirp) or low (tuba)
What is light energy?
energy that we can see
How does light travel?
outward from it source in all directions, travels in straight lines called rays
What kind of materials allow light to pass through them?
Transparent materials, such as air and glass
What kinds of objects do not allow light to pass through them?
opaque, such as wood and brick
What does light do?
Light reflects/bounces off objects and Light refracts/bends or changes direction
What happens to colors of light?
they are reflected(bounce off) not abdorbed
What is electrical energy?
movement of electic charges, called electricity, use it to: run AC, blow dryer
What is a circuit?
path for electricity to around
What is a circuit made up of?
battery, wire, bulb and switch
What does a battery provide?
provides power
What does a bulb provide?
provide light
What does a switch do?
opens and closes the electic circuit
What do the wires do?
allows the power from the battery to the flow through to the bulb
What is mechanical energy?
energy that uses musle or motor, car engine, muscles in our body
What is heat energy?
transfer of energy from a warmer object to a colder object
What is a conductor?
material that allows heat and/or electricity to flow through easily EX: metals and water
What an insulator?
material that stops the movement of heat and/or electricty EX: rubber, plastic, wool, glass and wood