Lesson 9: Main Sources in the Science of Seerah Flashcards

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Important books that are sources in the Seerah


Book Name: الرَوْضُ الأُنُفُ

Author: السُهَيْلِي (581 AH)

Things to know: He’s explaining the Seerah of Ibn Hisham. Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim al Banna did tahqeeq on it and Jaizatu Dubai published it.

Comments: Very good book, Ustadh uses it for his Seerah classes.

Book Name: زادُ المَعادِ

Author: ابْنُ القَيِّمِ (751 AH)

Things to know: Does not just stick to Seerah. The prophetic medicine is taken from this.

Comments: Highly suggested.

Book Name: السيرةُ النبويةُ في فَتْحِ الباري

Author: الشَّنْقِيطِيُّ

Things to know:

Comments: This is a masdar (primary/main source). Very important.

Book Name: شَرْحُ الزَرْقَانيِّ على المَوَاهِبِ

Author: مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ البَاقِي الزَرْقَانيُّ

Things to know: Darul Kutub al ‘ilmiyya in Beirut, 10-12 volumes.

Comments: Good book.

Book Name: السيرةُ النبويةُ في ضَوْءِ المَصادِرِ الأصْلِيَةِ

Author: مُحَمَّدُ رَزْقُ اللَّهِ أَحْمَدُ

Things to know: Good when it comes to Arabic tribes.

Comments: Good when it comes to Arabic tribes.

Book Name: اللؤلؤةُ المَكْنونةُ في سيرةِ النبيِّ المَأْمونِ

Author: مُوسَى العازِمِيُّ

Things to know: The author is still alive, published by Darul Ibn Jawzi.

Comments: Very good, beneficial work.

Book Name: الإسعادُ بأقوالِ جُهْمورِ العلماءِ المُتَعَلِّقةِ بخيرِ العِبادِ صلى الله عليه وسلم

Author: أَحْمَدُ الأسَدي

Things to know: Darul Qabas in Damascus.

Comments: Very good.

Book Name: السيرةُ النبويةُ الصحيحةُ مُحاوَلَةٌ لِتَطْبيقِ قواعدِ المُحَدِّثينَ في نَقْدِ رواياتِ السيرةِ النبويةِ

Author: أَكْرَمُ العُمَري

Things to know: He applies the rules of the scholars of hadeeth on the Seerah, published by many publications.

Comments: Good.

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