lesson 8: the 4 components Flashcards
5 topics that represents additional and essential concepts for marketing
(first component, solution)
1 tangible vs intagible 2 product life cycle and Boston Consultancy group matirix 3 growth strategies 4 adoption curve 5 branding
goods vs service
- material, owned, produced, consumed, durable, standardised
- immaterial but visible, not possessed, co- production, simultaneous production/ consumption, instand consumption, custimised variable
good and service are inseparable
-> product- service continuum
- tangible dominant: good surrounded by service
- intangible dominant: service surrounded by good
the more intangible dominant
more difficult to:
- display - control variables/ process
- justify - transfer ownership
- synchronise - export
- protect
PLC (Theodore Levitt)
product life cycle:
- life of product in the market with respect to cost and sales
product process (of PLC)
1 introduction stage (expencive, stimulates awareness, create demand)
2 growth stage (growth in sales, investing in promotion to compete and maximize potential)
3 maturity stage (product is established, maintaining market share, invest wisely, product modification/ improvement-> as long as possible)
4 decline stage (market shrinks is satuated, making profit with less expense)
customers who buys the product have already bought it
product process stages are tied to
- specific business cycles
- sudden events
- seasonal factors
PLC framework (holds true for)
- long term, for industry segment
- short term, for brands and organisations
BCG matrix
classifies brands or products into one of four quadrants that are defined by the intersection of two market metrics
2 market metrics
- market growth rate (market opportunity/ potential)
2. relative market share (competitive strength)
4 quadrants (of BCG matrix)
- stars (growth)
- question marks (development and intro)
- cash cow (maturity and saturation)
- dog (decline)
4 quadrants (of BCG matrix)
- stars (growth)
- question marks (development and intro)
- cash cow (maturity and saturation)
- dog (decline)
cows for tomorrow
cash cows bring in financial means for creating stars and question marks
product adoption curve (Everett Rogers)
procentige acceptance of a product per stage, the number of customers buying new technology spread over time after launch
time line of product adoption (curve) model
1 innovators 2 early adopters 3 early majority 4 late majority 5 Laggards
the first poeple who invest in the product, wants to keep up with new technology (are rushed)
early adopters
have waited to buy the product until they collected enough information
early majority
are pragmatic, only buys something after it has bin road tested, proven its value
late majority
widespread use but people who were still skeptical of the product buys the product after worries dies
extreme skeptics or poeple who only heard about the product now, buys it later in product lifecycle
the CHASM (Geoffrey Moore)
complements adoption curve, by trying to explain why innovative launges where not succesfull
(falls in between early adapters and early majority)
2 groups in the chasm
- tech enthusiasts/ visionaries: care about product qualities
- pragmatists: care about reliable solutions
profit comes when (chasm)
majority of customers buys the product if the launch stops before crossing the chasm there are disastrous financial results