lesson 5: PAM interactions, social context Flashcards
PAM interactions
perceptions affects attitudes, what we see, hear, taste, smell and sence influences what we think, feel and untend to do
(see diagram)
the two grops of social context are
- reference group
- cultural group
the reference groups:
- associative; members are equal, you get influenced by them and vica versa
- aspirational; you want to join but have to prove yourself
- dissociative; there is an other discussion forum with oposit opinions but they still influence you.
reference groups come with 2 degrees of influence
- continuous influence: is a primary reference group, influence of the closest poeple to you
- occasional/ irregular influence: is a secondary reference group, influence of people you know a little bit to nothing.
reference groups has 2 kinds of influence
- informational or functional kind: are members trustwordy knowledge and experience
- > about usefullness - normative or identification kind: are what iss to be expected, right, proper, responsible and cool.
- > emotional and symbolic meaning
definition culture or many to one influences
- the way people live including their attitudes, values, beliefs, art, science, models of perception and habits of thought and activity.
def of culture of dr. Geert Hofstede
it is a mental program to distinguish groups of poeple from another. Making meaning to various aspects in life which are then transfered into society.
culture is the DNA of norms and values and it has different layers:
- surface or apparent layer
- deep or subtle layer
apperent or surface layer
we reconise culture by its laws, intitutions, art, hestronomy, heros, language,…
-> it is what is on the surface of society, made by humans and different depending to the group of people
subtle or deep culture
- human values are absolute and universal: meaning they are omni- present
- culture is relative and local: meaning the sharing and prioritizing or relativeness of values differs all over the world
Fons Trompenaars’ cultural dimensions
our relation:
- with poeple
- with time
- with the enviroment
Hofstede’s 6 cultural dimensions
- Power distance.
- Individualism.
- Masculinity.
- Uncertainty avoidance.
- Long-term orientation.
- Indulgence.
power distance index
- large: poeple accept hieraechical order where everyone has a place, no justification is needed.
- low: poeple strive to equalize distribution of power and demand justification.
individualism versus collecitivism
- high: poeple see themselfs as being independent and are expected to take care of only themselfs and their immediate families. (I)
- low: poeple see themselfs as interdependent and are expecting their relatives, members of group to look after them in exchange for unquestionable loyalty. (we)
masculinity versus femininity
- high: wanting to be the best, having the preference for achievement, assertiveness and material rewards for succes. (competitive, though)
- low: motivated by enjoying what you do, having the preference got cooperation, modesty, caring and the quality of life. (consensus- oriented, tender)
uncertainty avoindance index
- high: feels threatened by the uncertainty of the future so tries to manage it. are intolerant of unothodox behavior ideas.
- low: are more comfortable in letting the future play out, they maintain a more relaxed attitude for new ideas and behavior.
Long term orientation versus Short term normative orientation:
- high: typified by embracing and being ready for change in society, pargmatic and innovative approach.
- low: holds onto traditions and norms and approaches change warily, are consercative, normative.
indulgence versus restraint
- high: poeple are less likely to keep their desires and impulses in check. There is a free gratification of human drives to enjoy life.
- low: are more restraint, suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms.
weaknesses of Hofstede’s cultural dimention model
- the equation of cutlures with states and borders
2. the statistical mode leading to stereotyping