Lesson 8 Matching Flashcards
provided federal insurance for bank deposits
investments based on optimism and borrowed money rather than real collateral
a record 16.4 million shares of stock were traded, collapsing the stock market
Black Tuesday
laborers quit work but do not leave the factory
sit-down strike
farmers conspired to keep farm auction prices low
penny auctions
ended prohibition in the United States
21st Amendment
WWI veterans who marched on Washington, D.C.
Bonus Army
regulated rivers and generated electricity in rural areas
highest import tax in the nation’s history
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
severe drought in the central and southern plains states
dust bowl
Created before the Social Security system
American Liberty League
In what other countries was economic and political turmoil occurring in the 1930’s?
South Africa, Japan, Soviet Union, Germany
Why did the United States Congress pass the Hawley-Smoot Tariff in 1930?
to protect domestic industries in the U.S.
In 1931, Japan occupied the region of China known as
When was the New Deal launched?