Lesson 8- Influence of Early attachment on later relationships Flashcards
What was Bowlby’s concept of the internal working model?
Internal working model- schema for what relationships should entail
- 1st attachment 👶 forms-> learning what relationships are, how partners in relationship behave-> predict 🏃♂ of other people in future
Why is the quality of the 1st relationship so important?
Quality of relationship crucial- acts as template for & affects future relationships
- Loving 🥰 1st attachment = functional relationships
- Bad 👎 1st relationship = struggle to form relationships/inappropriate behaviour
What is Bowlby’s idea of an internal working similar to?
The idea of a schema as like with schemas, the internal working model involves having expectations about certain (relationships in the case of the internal working model but events etc for schemas)
Is there research support for Bowlby’s prediction of continuities between early attachment experiences & later social & emotional 🏃♂?
Yes there is:
Prior and Glaser (2006)- longitudinal study- supported theory
- Secure attachment-> ➕ outcomes (⬇️ emotional dependence, ambition & interpersonal (relationship) harmony)
- Avoidant attachment-> ➖ outcomes (aggressiveness 😡)
- Resistant attachment-> ➖ outcomes (⬆️ anxiety & withdrawn 🏃♂- avoid unusual situations, people, place etc)
Which psychologist studied the internal working model & when did they do so?
Hazan & Shaver (1987)
What was the method of Hazan & Shaver’s internal working model study?
1) Placed ‘Love Quiz’ in 🇺🇸 small-town newspaper (Rocky Mountain ⛰ News)
2) Quiz asked Q about current attachment experiences & attachment history to identify current & 👶hood attachment types
3) Questionnaire ALSO asked attitudes towards love 💕 (assessment of internal working model)
- Sample 1- 620 responses- 👨 & 👩 aged 14-82
- Sample 2- 108 students- 👨 & 👩- answered additional Q focussing ⬆️ on ‘self’ side of mental model (✖️ partner) & Q measuring loneliness
What percentage of respondents were securely attached?
56%- both samples
What percentage of respondents identified as having an insecure avoidant attachment?
23%- (sample 1)
25%- (sample 2)
What percentage of respondents identified as having an insecure resistant attachment?
19%- (sample 1)
20%- (sample 2)
How did those with a secure attachment respond?
- Find it easy getting close to others
- Comfortable depending on them & having them depend on me
- ✖️ worried about being abandoned or someone getting close to me
How did those with a insecure avoidant attachment respond?
- Uncomfortable being close to others
- Difficult to depend on them
- Nervous when anyone gets close
- Love 💕 partners want me to be ⬆️ intimate than I feel comfortable being
How did those with a insecure resistant attachment respond?
- Others reluctant to get as close as I’d like
- Worried my partner ✖️ love me/won’t stay with me
- Want to merge completely with another person- desire scares other ppl awa
What were the key findings of Hazan & Shaver’s internal working model study (about all 3 attachment types)?
- Both samples- securely attached described most important 💕 relationships ever had as ‘happy, friendly & trusting’- pps had longer lasting relationships & if married ✖️ likely to divorce
- Securely attached pps- expressed belief in lasting 💕- found others trustworthy
- Insecure-avoidant pps- ⬆️ doubtful about existence/durability of romantic 💕- ✖️ need 💕 partners to be 😊- jealousy & fear of intimacy
- Both insecure types- vulnerable to loneliness (insecure-resistant (sample 2) most vulnerable)
What was the conclusion of Hazan & Shaver’s internal working model study?
- % of adults in different attachment types match those of 👶 in Strange Situation studies
- Correlation between adults’ attachment style & memories of parenting styles received similar to Ainsworth’s findings- 👶 attachment styles correlated with degree of sensitivity shown by 🤰
- … SHOWS link between own parental upbringing & … attachment type and later life
Which 4 behaviours are influenced by the internal working model?
1) Childhood friendships
2) Parenting
3) Romantic relationships
4) Mental health