Lesson 7.2 - Domestic Abuse - Initial Investigations Flashcards
What is the three tier approach to tackling domestic abuse?
Tier 1 - Local policing responce
Tier 2 - Domestic abuse investigation units (DAIU) who undertake investigations of a more complex nature or greater risk. Based in local policing divisions to support officers and work with specialist partners
Tier 3 - Domestic abuse task force (DAFT) of the specialist crime divisions leads on investigation of the ‘worst of the worst’, serial perps who move from relationship to relationship causing harm to others
They look at the lifetime of a perps domestic relationships and offending history, building a stong case to prevent further abuse.
Tiered approach coordinated by our domestic abuse coordination unit
See lesson 7.2 page 5,6,7 for tier 1 police responsibilities in domestic abuse cases
Maintain contact with the victim and update them regarding the stage your enquiry has reached, whether you are submitting statements to the PF, attempting to trace a witness or if the accussed is being released from custody
In terms of Domestic Abuse, what should you include in your statement?
- Victims vulnerability and dependence on perp
- Victims age
- Victims physical, mental and emotional health
- Victims ethnic and cultural background
- Presence or absence of family support
- Presence or absence of social work department support
- Victims employment status and financial circomstances
- Information in relation to dependants of the perp and in particular the arrangements for residence, contact and financial support pending trial
- Info in relation to employment of the perp
- Details of previous allegations of Domestic abuse, reported or not
- Existsnce of interdicts or court orders civil or criminal
- Any ongoing proceedings in relation to child custody
How many Domestic abuse questions (DAQ) are there and how many of them are HIGH RISK?
27 questions
also you always need to submit a VPD xx
Explain the scored of DAQ?
14+ - HIGH RISK.
Identifiable indicators of risk of SERIOUS HARM.
Potential events could happen at any time and inpact could be serious.
However, you believe the perp is likely to cause SERIOUS HARM if there is a change in circomstance i.e. failure to take meds, relationship breakdown, substance misuse
NOTE: you can use professional judgement to raise concern level to HIGH if you think this is right.
Below 14- STANDARD
If below 14 and no significant current indicators of risk of serious harm
The mnemonic RARA can help decide next steps after the DAQ questions. What does it stand for?
AVOID THE RISK - rehouse victim in somewhere unknows to suspect
REDUCE THE RISK - work with partner agencies to provide victim with suitable advice and assistance. Request bail conditions for suspect and carry out bail checks
ACCEPT THE RISK- Only in standard cases where no likelihood of further risk to the victim
Multi agency risk assessment conference (MARAC) what is it?
All high risk cases are considered for referral to MARAC.
The purpose is:
•To share information accross agencies
•Identify the level of risk presented by the perp
•Produce muli agency action plans to reduce the risk to victims and their children
What is the “Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland”?
Gives people at risk of domestic abuse the information they need about a partners abusive past, to make an informed decision about whether to continue the relationship.
Two main pathways for disclosure; “Right to ask” and “Power to tell”
RIGHT TO ASK (public) - anyone concerned about a new partners abusive past can ask police scotland to conduct enquiries into this, aiming to keep them safe from harm. Also allows third parties, who normally would not recieve any info.
POWER TO TELL (professional) - when police scotland recieve info or intelligence about a person thought to be at risk of suffering domestic abuse.
What are the steps of the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland?
Step 1 - application to the scheme
Online At station Phoning 101 Asking a police officer on the street As part of an ongoing enquiry NO NEED TO TELL THEM YOULL SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR THEM. NOTE DETAILS AND SUBMIT ONLINE APPLICATION ASAP.
Step 2 - initial checks and initial contact
Once an application has been recieved initial checks and risk assessment will be conducted. If its suspected that the person is at immediate risk them action will be taken.
Step 3 - face to face meeting/background checks
Depending on step 2, applicant may be invited to a face to face meeting where DAQs may be completed.
Step 4 - Decision making forum
The police and other agencies will attend this meeing and review the info gathered to make a decision about potencial disclosure. They will decide if disclosure is lawful, necessary and proportionate to protect victim from partner.
Step 5 - disclosure
With regard to disclosure scheme for domestic abuse scotland, how confidential does it have to be?
When disclosure is made it will be fully explain to that personal that the detail’s they have been given are confidential and they must use the information to make decisions about staying safe.
They will be asked to sign a document stating they understand any further disclosure is a breach of the Data Protection Act 2018