Lesson 3 - Missing Persons Flashcards
How many missing person reports are carried out by police scotland every year? And what % are children
50% children
When a person is reported missing, the initial actual and enquiry depend on what factors?
- age
- mental capacity
- previous history
- suicidal tendencies
- senility
- addiction
- mental health
- donestic abuse
What is the definition of a Missing Person?
Anyone whose whereabouts is unknown and;
•where the circumstances are out of character, or
•the context suggests the person may be subject to crime, or
•the person is at risk of harm to themselves or another
What us the definition of a Concern for Person?
A person whose whereabouts are known or believed to be known and there are concerns of risk or harm to the individual
Give an example of a Concern for person
Where a person has left a hospital ward without telling anyone or hasn’t been discharged. Staff believe they have made there way home:-
- Whereabouts are believed to be known
- Concerns of risk due to not being discharged/left without treatment
What is the key role of the Initial Attending Officer?
Risk assess
In what way does article 2 related to a missing persons investigation?
Right to life - there is a positive obligation upon the police to respond effectively to all reports of confirmed missing persons.
This will help identify cases that need more attention in order to minimise the number of cases that end in loss of life or harm to individuals.
What must the initial attending officer do?
See big list on pages 4 - 5
How long must a person be missing before the UK Missing Person Unit is informed?
72 hours
Search home address including all out buildings
Consider also searching the homes of relatives, friends and acquaintances of the missing person.
What is the National Missing Person Application? (NMPA)
A live register of all missing persons investigations conducted by Police Scotland.
Once an entry is made on the National Missing Person Application, this will automatically update PNC/CHS (puts a marker on them)
Once a person is marked as ‘traced’, NMPA will again update PNC/CHS.
What are the three grades of Risk Assessment?
HIGH RISK - risk is immediate and there are substansive grounds for believing that the mis per is in danger through their own vulnerability; or may have been a victim of serious crime; or the risk posed is immediate and there are substantial ground for believing that the public is in danger
MEDIUM RISK - the risk posed is likely to place the mis per in danger or they are a threat to themeselves or others
LOW RISK - threat of danger to either the Mis per or the public is low
What are the three catagories that considerations of risk are separated into?
Vulnerability - any vulnerabilities suffered by mis per. Including medical or mental health issues and infirmity
Influences - a variety of factors in the mis pers life which may have attributed to their reasons for going missing e.g. forced marriage, relationship, family, financial issues, victim of domestic abuse
Past behavior - behaviour is out of character is often a strong indicator of risk
Is a missing person required to be physically seen by police to ensure they are safe and well?
Yes. Coms by social media, phone, email is not enough.
Expand on “Missing Person Return Interview”
(Firstly, ensure their wellbeing and any necessary medical assistance is provided)
May be an initial “safe and well” check is carried out with and interview scheduled at a later date.
Return interview MUST be conducted. Detail varies depending on circumstance.
It provides officers an oppertunity to identify the causes and factors of the missing persons disappearance and to figure out where they have been. This could save time and resources if they go missing again.
Missing persons record will remain “live” until the return interview. This info must be recorded in the National Missing Person’s Application
What if an adult is found and says that they don’t want to disclose their whereabouts to the person initiating the enquiry?
The police must respect this wish.
The person initiating the enquiry is merely informed that the missing person has been traced “fit and well”
E.g. woman fleeing a violent partner.
40% of adults who have been reported missing do not want their whereabouts to be disclosed.
What is done when a missing child is found?
- Police should inform the parents or guardians ASAP.
- If the child is to young or unable to give their name and address, enquirys should be made in the area they were found and control should be informed.
- If the child has been abandoned or there are other child protection concerns. You should obtain assistance from social work services.
What must you do in relation to iVPD in relation to children and adults respectively?
Force policy dictates:
Child- all child missing persons will result in a VPD submission.
Adult - VPD should only be submitted when there is a genuine concern upon going missing or when they return.
Expand on “Looked After and Accommodated Children (LAAC)
A large number of missing persons reports are made by staff from social services about children in care. In that they don’t return home on time.
Carers should be encouraged to use their professional knowledge and experience prior to reporting a young person missing.
Every effort should still be made by police to trace them.
Expand on “Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)”
Where a person of any age takes advantage of the power imbalance to force or entice a child into engaging in sexual activity - in return for something gained by the child. (Drugs, money, alcahol).
This can be difficult to identify. Many children and young people can misinterpret this as consentual.
Frequently missing children are at risk of this. We must be alert to potencial risks they are exposed to.
Info from interview KEY for this.
Wht are the 3 main groups of absconders? (What kind of missing person are they)
- A child who fails to return to local authority care or other residential establishment where they have been placed by a supervision order.
- A person who leaves a hospital after being admitted as a compulsory or voluntary patient and is more valnerable to harm
- A person who fails to return to custody (e.g. fails to return to prison after home visit)
Should “Looked After and Accommodated Children (LAAC)” be recorded as absconders on the National Missing Person Application?
No, more for statistical reasons
What laws are in place in relation to “Child Absconding from a Place”?
Children subject to a residential supervison requirements or detained in a place of safety frequently abscond or fail to return. These children may be vulnerable to criminal explotation or may commit crimes themselves - vital police trace ASAP.
S.169 of the Children’s Hearing (Scotland) Act 2011 applied where a child:-
(a) requires to be kept in a particular place, and
(b) the child absconds from that place, or fails to return to that place,
Then the police have powers to return the absconder to that place.
If there are reasonable grounds to believe an absconder is within premises then the court may grant a warrant to search the premises for the child.
What laws are in place in relation to “Child Absconding from a Person”?
S.170 Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 applies where:-
(a) a person has (or is authorised to have) control of a child, and
(b) the child absconds from that person,
Then the police have the power to return the absconded to that person.
Where there are reasonable grounds to believe that an absconder is within premises then a court may grant a warrant to search the premises for the child.
What laws are in place in relation to “Harbouring”?
Absconders will often be helped by friends or relatives who will supply them with accommodation or other assistance. This can make tracing these people very difficult and because of they’re age they obviously fall into a high risk category.
S.171 Childrens Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 creates an offence for any person knowingly:-
• Assist or induce a child to abscond.
• Harbour or conceal a child who has absconded.
• Prevent a child from returning to a place of safety, to a relevant place.