They do not want me.
Ellos no me quieren.
They don’t want us.
Ellos no nos quieren.
He does not want it. (feminine)
Él no la quiere.
We don’t want them. (masculine)
No los queremos.
I don’t see him.
No lo veo.
I would not like any.
[L. I would not like none] (masculine object)
No quisiera ninguno.
I did not see you. (familiar)
No te vi.
I did not see you. (polite)
No lo vi a usted.
You did not say it. (familiar)
No lo dijiste.
He did not do it.
Él no lo hizo.
We did not rent them. (masculine objects)
No los alquilamos.
I’m not giving it to Paul. (masculine object)
No se lo doy a Pablo.
I’m not giving you a gift. (familiar)
No te doy un regalo.
I’m not giving him a gift.
No le doy un regalo a él.
I’m not giving her a gift.
No le doy un regalo a ella.
I’m not giving it to her. (masculine object)
No se lo doy a ella.
I’m not giving it to you. (familiar, masculine object)
No te lo doy.
I’m not bringing the suitcases to my parents.
No les traigo las maletas a mis padres.
I’m not bringing them to my parents. (feminine objects)
No se las traigo a mis padres.
I’m not bringing them the suitcases.
No les traigo las maletas.
I’m not bringing it to them. (feminine object)
No se la traigo a ellos.
He did not give me a gift.
Él no me dio un regalo.
She did not buy him a gift.
Ella no le compró un regalo a él.
He did not rent her a car.
Él no le alquiló un coche a ella.
He did not speak to them.
Él no les habló a ellos.
You did not sell a shirt to my father. (familiar)
[Tú] no le vendiste una camisa a mi padre.
You did not sell him a shirt. (familiar)
[Tú] no le vendiste una camisa [a él].
You did not sell it to my father. (familiar, feminine object)
No se la vendiste a mi padre.
You did not sell it to him. (familiar, feminine object)
No se la vendiste a él.
You did not sell it to them. (familiar, masculine object)
No se lo vendiste a ellos.
We did not take him to the movie theater.
No lo llevamos al cine.