He’s buying it for me. (masculine object)
Él me lo compra.
He’s buying it for me. (feminine object)
Él me la compra.
He’s buying it for you. (familiar, masculine object)
Él te lo compra.
to you / to him / to her / to them / to it / for you/ for him, etc
Se [“le” and “les” change to “se” in front of “lo”, “la”, “los” and “las”]
He’s buying it for him. / He’s buying it for her. / He’s buying it for you. (polite)
Él se lo compra [a él, a ella, a usted].
He [for you] is buying it for you. (polite)
Él se lo compra a usted.
He is buying it for her.
[L. He, for her, it, is buying for her.]
Él se lo compra a ella.
He’s buying it for us.
[L. He, for us, it, is buying]
Él nos lo compra.
He’s buying it for you people. (familiar, as in Spain)
Él os lo compra.
He’s buying it for them. / He’s buying it for you people.
Él se lo compra [a ellos, a ustedes].
I [to them] am giving it to them.
Yo se lo doy a ellos.
I [to him] am giving it to Paul.
[Yo] se lo doy a Pablo.
I [to her] am giving them to her. (feminine objects)
[Yo] se las doy a ella.
I’m bringing the suitcases.
[Yo] traigo las maletas.
I’m bringing the suitcases to my parents.
[Yo] les traigo las maletas a mis padres.