to buy
I bought the book.
Yo compré el libro.
You bought your car yesterday. (familiar)
Tú compraste tu coche ayer.
You bought a gift for your sister. (polite)
Usted compró un regalo para su hermana.
He bought a car last week.
Él compró un coche la semana pasada.
She bought an inexpensive gift at the store.
Ella compró un regalo barato en la tienda.
The man bought a watch.
El hombre compró un reloj.
We bought our luggage at the store.
Nosotros compramos nuestro equipaje en la tienda.
You bought his clothes in Madrid. (plural, as in Spain)
Vosotros comprasteis su ropa en Madrid.
You bought something for my mother. (plural)
Ustedes compraron algo para mi madre.
They bought things for their friends.
Ellos compraron cosas para sus amigos.
You bought the breakfast. (polite)
Usted compró el desayuno.
You paid the bill. (polite)
Usted pagó la cuenta.
He rented the room.
Él alquiló el cuarto.
He closed the door.
Él cerró la puerta.
She traveled to the United States.
Ella viajó a los Estados Unidos.
We studied Spanish.
Nosotros estudiamos español.
You cut the bread. (familiar)
Tú cortaste el pan.
They spoke with the children.
Ellos hablaron con los niños.
They took the airplane to London.
Ellos tomaron el avión para Londres.
We finished our dinners.
Nosotros terminamos nuestras cenas.
You looked for your sister at home. (polite)
Usted buscó a su hermana en la casa.