He’s buying me a gift. / He’s buying a gift for for me.
Él me compra un regalo.
He’s buying you a gift. (familiar)
Él te compra un regalo.
He’s buying you a gift. (polite) / He’s buying him a gift. / He’s buying her a gift.
Él le compra un regalo [a usted, a él, a ella].
He is buying you a gift. (polite)
[L. He, for you, is buying a gift for you.]
Él le compra un regalo a usted.
He [for her] is buying her a gift.
Él le compra un regalo a ella.
He [for him] is buying him a gift.
Él le compra un regalo a el.
He’s buying us a gift.
Él nos compra un regalo.
He’s buying you people a gift. (familiar, as in Spain)
Él os compra un regalo.
He’s buying you people a gift. / He’s buying them a gift.
Él les compra un regalo [a ustedes, a ellos, a ellas].
He [for you people] is buying you people a gift.
Él les compra un regalo a ustedes.
He’s buying them a gift.
Él les compra un regalo a ellos.
I [for him] am buying a gift for Paul.
Yo le compro un regalo a Pablo.
They are buying me a gift.
Ellos me compran un regalo.
I am giving him a gift. / I am giving her a gift.
Yo le doy un regalo [a él, a ella].
I am giving a gift to you. / I am giving you a gift. (familiar)
[Yo] te doy un regalo.
I [to you] am giving a gift to you. (polite)
[Yo] le doy un regalo a usted.
I [to you guys] am giving a gift to you guys.
[Yo] les doy un regalo a ustedes.
I [to them] am giving a gift to them.
[Yo] les doy un regalo a ellos.
He gave me a gift.
Él me dio un regalo.
She bought him a gift.
Ella le compró un regalo. / Ella le compró un regalo a él.
He [for her] rented her a car.
Él le alquiló un coche a ella.
He [to them] spoke to them.
Él les habló a ellos.
You [to him] sold a shirt to my father. (polite)
Usted le vendió una camisa a mi padre.
You [to him] sold him a shirt. (familiar)
[Tú] le vendiste una camisa a él.
You [to her] sold her a shirt. (familiar)
[Tú] le vendiste una camisa a ella.
I’m buying them a car.
[Yo] les compro un coche a ellos.
I lent some money to my male cousin.
[Yo] le presté dinero a mi primo.
Did you ask your girlfriend? (familiar)
¿Le preguntaste [tú] a tu novia?
We are paying for your tickets. (familiar)
[L. We are paying, for you, the tickets]
Te pagamos los boletos.
He stole my backpack. / He stole the backpack from me.
Él me robó la mochila.