Lesson 6 - How to Contend with Pressure Flashcards
To avoid being overloaded we need to learn how to take —
Match the following words and statements:
heavily overloaded, pressure, backwards, success, problems
a) — comes by handling pressure
b) Take a step — and allow things to take its course
c) Pressure mostly comes from — we face
d) We need to learn how to take action and not allow ourselves to be —
a) success
b) backwards
c) problems
d) heavily overloaded
It is important to know why we have too much —
A problem should be handled:
a) as soon as it arises
b) at a convenient time
c) when there are more like it
d) casually
a) as soon as it arises
What can be done to remove ourselves from pressure?
take outside breaks
Match the following words and statements:
spiritual battle, the Lord Jesus, fear, faith
a) We are in a —
b) We should not feed our fear but feed our —
c) Who should be the head of our personal board of directors?
d) If you know that you are called and sent what must you not do?
a) spiritual battle
b) faith
c) the Lord Jesus
d) fear