Lesson 6 - Classification and Assessment in clinical psych Flashcards
What is the taxonomic approach
Disorders can be branched into multiple different disorders - broader disorders
Can distinguish that
There are higher order disorders of classes of disorders and within that there are specific disorders that we can distinguish from each other
Why do we classify psychological disorders?
Classification and diagnosis are essential if we hope to
-Understand causes
-Identify most appropriate treatment(s)
-Determine if treatment has been effective (or not)
-Practical consequences e.g,
-is this person fit to stand trial
-does this person deserve compensation?
What are the 4 objectives of classification systems?
- Provide necessary and sufficient diagnostic criteria for correct differential diagnosis
- Permit distinction of ‘true’ psychopathology from non-disordered ‘problems in living’
- Diagnostic criteria can be systematically applied, by different clinicians in different settings
- Diagnostic criteria should be theoretically neutral
What is the DSM? 5
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
What is the ICD? ICD 11
International Classification of Diseases
International list of causes of death at first then became broader to international classification of diseases, implimented to 11 in 2022
What are the 3 first problems with classification approaches and diagnostic manuals?
- Describe observable symptoms rather than explain causes
- Diagnoses (labels) can be stigmatising
- Diagnoses are categorical (yes/no)
eg - you are either depressed or youre not
-however severity of disorder can be quantified
What are the other 3 problems with classification approaches and diagnostic manuals?
- Homogeneity of sufferers
- many different combinations of symptoms could warrant diagnosis of eg schizophrenia or substance use disorder - Disorders are distinct from each other
-but comorbidity is the norm. e.g, anxiety and depression - A “hodgepodge” collection of disorders, with much historical “baggage”
- short term problem vs lifelong personality?
-misery vs bad behaviour?
-origins in infancy or old age?
-clear biological origin, or not?
-extremely rare vs very common, slight exaggerations of normal variations in mood/ behaviour?
What are the 3 goals of assessment?
- What problems does this person have?
- Which psychological disorder(s) should they be diagnosed with? (not essential; see case formulation)
- Did our treatment work?
What are some specific criticisms of DSM-5?
-Proliferation of disorders with each revision
-Gradual lowering of thresholds
^favours over - rather than under diagnosis
^overprescription of psychiatric medication bc of overdiagnosis
^medicalise normal experiences
-Disproportionately influenced by biological models
-Most psychological disorders are dimensional, ie, they have a continuum of severity
^DSM 5 Does explicitly acknowledge this
^However this means that any cut-off score or threshold is somewhat subjective
What are the methods of assessment?
Clinical interviews
Clinical observations
Psychological tests
(such as questionnaires, intelligence tests, projective tests)
Biologically based assessments
(such as psychophysiology and neuroimaging)
Diagnosis is almost always reliant on subjective judgement. What 2 methods could be used for this?
Clinicians use clinical interviews and clinical observation
How can you test reliability?
Test-retest reliability
Inter-rater reliability
Internal Consistency (cronbachs a)
How can you test validity?
Concurrent validity
Face validity
Predictive validity
Construct validity
What is the definition of Test-retest reliability?
The extent that a test will produce roughly similar results when the test is given to the same person several weeks or even months apart
What is the definition of Inter-rater reliability?
The degree to which two independent clinicians agree when interpreting or scoring a particular test