Lesson 5 US Flashcards
Who’s Henry David Thoreau?
Wrote a book about his experience living in the woods.
He lived isolated and self-sufficient in a hut in Wooden Pond.
A “rugged invidualist”. Against the pursuit of wealth for itself.
Rugged individualism:
Rugged individualism, term that indicates that an individual is self-reliant and independent from outside, usually state or government assistance.
Associated with the notion of laissez-faire and non-interventionist governmen.
7th President
Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
He was a self-made man, the man of the people.
What did Andrew Jackson stand for?
He wanted the government to serve Americans
Democratisation of white men (voting) and
End of an elite controling the goverment
Democration of the press (a lot of newspapers were created)
Every abled bodied person who can work should do it
He wanted to end the class system of the time
Believe in a Laissez-faire attitude from the government
Which people are in the producing class according to Andrew Jackson?
“Real people”
Hard working
Which people are in the non-producing class according to Andrew Jackson?
Monopolizing the government and using the law and the system to their advantage selfishly
What measures and tasks did Jackson undertook?
He ended the Bank of the United States (reducing the power of the government)
Reduce tariffs
Limit federal spending
Expanding the Western Frontier
Charters of Incorporation
Workers’ rights (10 hours work days)
Charters of Incorporation
Documents establishing the existence of a company, in order to help people new businesses and go push the Western Frontier
16th President of the US
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Rags to riches as well
Believed in the self-made man
Abraham Lincoln on slavery?
For him, it was bad for black people but also white men because it was unfair competition for them.
He wanted anyone to have a chance to get upward mobility.
What policies did Lincoln put into place?
January 1, 1863, the Emancipation proclamation
Expanded Domestic Legislation
Restored high tariffs
Improvements in transportation and communication infrastructure (Telegraph
Pacific Railroad Act 1862
Homestead Act of 1862
The Emancipation Proclamation
Jan 1, 1863,
The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”
When was the civil war?
Civil War casualties?
750 000
What did the Republicans use to think about government intervention?
That it would help people succeed. Create a fair and level playground