Lesson 5 Flashcards
Types of waste that go into yellow bags
Clinical waste e.g. used bandages, plasters or other dressings
Needles and syringes is in yellow sharps box which is sealed
Yellow bags are burned in controlled settings
What is the method of disposal of body fluids eg urine, vomit or blood
Flushed down a sluice drain: area must then be cleaned and disinfected
What goes into red bags?
Soiled linen
Red laundry bag laundered at the appropriate temperature
Where are recyclable equipment and instruments disposed?
Blue bag: returned to the Central Sterilisation Services (CSSD) for sterilising and reuse
What are the examples of notifiable deaths, injuries or diseases?
Notifiable illness include diphtheria, food poisoning, rubella (German measles), TB and notifiable incidents occurring at work including broken bones, serious burns and death.
Notifiable deaths, injuries or diseases’ and are covered by who?
First aid provision is governed by who?
Health and Safety Regulations 1981
What should be included in a report?
Name of casualty
Nature of incident or injury
Date, time, location of incident
Record of the treatment given
What is the format of complaint procedures?
Complaint procedures will vary for in different organisations but will follow similar format:
- have their complaint dealt with swiftly and efficiently
- have proper and careful investigation of their concerns
- know the outcome of those investigations
- have a judicial review of the facts, if they think the action or decision is unlawful
- receive compensation if they have been harmed physically or psychologically as a result of the situation
The Data Protection Act 1998 controls how personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Data must be:
Used fairly and lawfully
Used for limited, specifically stated purposes
Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
Kept for no longer than is necessary
Handled according to people’s data protection rights
Kept safe and secure
There is strong legal protection for information about your:
Ethical background
Political opinions
Religious beliefs
Sexual health and preferences
Criminal record (if you have one)
Data that an employer in health and social care can keep about their employees
Date of birth
Emergency contact details
Education and qualifications
Employment history and work experience
National Insurance number and tax code
Details of any known disability
How is confidentiality ensured?
By applying the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998
By adhering to legal and workplace requirements specified by codes of practice in health and social care settings
By securely recording, storing and retrieving medical and personal information
By maintaining confidentiality to safeguard service users
By following appropriate procedures where disclosure is legally required
By respecting the rights of service users where they request non-disclosure or limited disclosure of their personal information