Lesson 37 Flashcards
Keef shaayef(m)/shaayfeh(f) il shghél
How do you see work?
Ana shaayeh(m)/shaayfeh(f) ma shii mitil ma mitwaqa3
I see work is going as expected
Shou ra’yak(m)/ra’yik(f)/ra’kon(pl) al shighel al jadeed
Waht do you think of the new job?
Bi-ra’yii/bi-ra’yiina(pl-we) eno muthiir lahtimaam
I think (I/we) it’s very interesting
Shou wijet nazarak(m)/nazarik(f)/nazarkon(pl) al suuq
What’s your view on the market?
Min wijet nazareth al suuq baTii’
From my point of view the markert is slow
Keef bit-shouf(m)/bit-shoufeh(f)/bit-shoufkon al suuq baad shaHer
How do you see the market in a month?
Ana bi waqah al suuq raH yeh’kon baTii’
I am expecting the market to slow down
Keef nazertak(m)/nazertik(f) la mawdhu3 al qurood
What is your view/take on the loan topic?
Binazerii fii Ht-maa’lii’yeh tekuun naajHah jidan
In my view/opinion there is possibility of being very successful
Bi ra’yii haadaa al shighel yimkin yakuun nos nos
I think that this work might be 50/50
Min naHiitii bzin fii iijaabiiaat ktiireh al shigherl
From my side I think that the job has lots of positives
Min jihatak(m)/ jihatik keef kan ishtiima3
From your side how was the meeting?
Min jihatii el’jtiima3 kan fa’al wu muhim kteer
From my side it was very effective and important
Bil-nisbeh ‘ilak(m)/’ilik(f) keef kan al daras
From your side how is the lesson?
Bil-nisbeh ‘illi al daras kan shay-uk wu mufiid kteer
From my side the lesson was very interesting and beneficial