Lesson 14 Doctor's Visit Flashcards
El-istifé ‘an el’iléj ‘ind el doctor
Asking Questions about treatment at the doctor
Shu l’iléj la-hal-marad
What is the treatment for this disease?
Fii haal téné?
Is there another solution?
Ha-sh-shee bi-ywajji’
Does it hurt?
Fii ‘awaarid jenbiyyé
Are there any side effects
Addé raHyekhod wa’t
How long will it take?
RaH yakod wa’t tawiil
Will it take a long time?
Addé lezim ekhdo
How long should I take it for?
Kam habbéh bi-lyom
How many pills a day?
Kam marra bi-n-nhaar
How many times a day?
Shu l-FHuusat illee lezim a’milha
What tests do I need to do?
Amteen b0titla’ en-natiijé
When do the results come out?
Fii ‘iléj ténéé
Is there another treatment?
Bi-ás -sir ha-d-dawa ‘a mi’dité shi
Will the medicine affect my stomach?
Mumkin yfuut ma’é jawzé
Can my husband go in with me?