Lesson 14 Doctor's Visit Flashcards
El-istifé ‘an el’iléj ‘ind el doctor
Asking Questions about treatment at the doctor
Shu l’iléj la-hal-marad
What is the treatment for this disease?
Fii haal téné?
Is there another solution?
Ha-sh-shee bi-ywajji’
Does it hurt?
Fii ‘awaarid jenbiyyé
Are there any side effects
Addé raHyekhod wa’t
How long will it take?
RaH yakod wa’t tawiil
Will it take a long time?
Addé lezim ekhdo
How long should I take it for?
Kam habbéh bi-lyom
How many pills a day?
Kam marra bi-n-nhaar
How many times a day?
Shu l-FHuusat illee lezim a’milha
What tests do I need to do?
Amteen b0titla’ en-natiijé
When do the results come out?
Fii ‘iléj ténéé
Is there another treatment?
Bi-ás -sir ha-d-dawa ‘a mi’dité shi
Will the medicine affect my stomach?
Mumkin yfuut ma’é jawzé
Can my husband go in with me?
Mumkin tfuut ma’é immé
Can my mom go in with me?
Fii msakkin
Is there any pain killers?
‘Ami’dé faad’ye
On an empty stomach