Lesson 35 Flashcards
swimming pool
Common Usages:
수영장에 들어가다 = to go into a pool
실내수영장 = indoor swimming pool
야외수영장 = outdoor swimming pool
수영장 물은 별로 깨끗하지 않아요 = Water in swimming pools isn’t that clean
수영장물이 다 넘쳤어요? = Did all the water overflow out of the pool?
많은 사람들이 수영을 배우기 위해 수영장에 가요
= Many people go to swimming pools to learn how to swim
키가 클 때까지 얕은 수영장에서만 수영할 거예요
= I’m only going to swim in shallow swimming pools until I am taller
운동복 차림으로 수영장에 못 들어갑니다
You’re not allowed in the swimming pool wearing exercise clothes
수영장에 들어간 후에 옷이 완전히 젖었어요
= My clothes are completely wet after going into the pool
swimming pool
Common Usages:
수영장에 들어가다 = to go into a pool
실내수영장 = indoor swimming pool
야외수영장 = outdoor swimming pool
수영장 물은 별로 깨끗하지 않아요 = Water in swimming pools isn’t that clean
수영장물이 다 넘쳤어요? = Did all the water overflow out of the pool?
많은 사람들이 수영을 배우기 위해 수영장에 가요
= Many people go to swimming pools to learn how to swim
키가 클 때까지 얕은 수영장에서만 수영할 거예요
= I’m only going to swim in shallow swimming pools until I am taller
운동복 차림으로 수영장에 못 들어갑니다
You’re not allowed in the swimming pool wearing exercise clothes
수영장에 들어간 후에 옷이 완전히 젖었어요
= My clothes are completely wet after going into the pool
수영장에 들어가다
to go into a pool
indoor swimming pool
outdoor swimming pool
preservation of health
Notes: I would almost never say this word by itself. It is usually combined with some other words or syllables to mean “health preservation” (something).
Common Usages:
보건소 = health center
보건실 = “health room.” This is usually the “nurse’s office” in schools
세계보건기구 = the World Health Organization (WHO)
보건복지부 = Ministry of Health and Welfare
보건소에서는 무료로 건강검진을 받을 수 있어요
= You can receive a free health checkup at the health center
이 문제는 시민보건에 아주 중요한 것 같아요
= It seems like this problem is very important to the health of the citizens
preservation of health
Notes: I would almost never say this word by itself. It is usually combined with some other words or syllables to mean “health preservation” (something).
Common Usages:
보건소 = health center
보건실 = “health room.” This is usually the “nurse’s office” in schools
세계보건기구 = the World Health Organization (WHO)
보건복지부 = Ministry of Health and Welfare
보건소에서는 무료로 건강검진을 받을 수 있어요
= You can receive a free health checkup at the health center
이 문제는 시민보건에 아주 중요한 것 같아요
= It seems like this problem is very important to the health of the citizens
health center
“health room.”
This is usually the “nurse’s office” in schools
the World Health Organization (WHO)
Ministry of Health and Welfare
pine tree
소나무는 일년 내내 잎이 같은 색이에요 = The leaves of pine trees are the same color all year long
PLAY옆 집에서 사는 사람은 그 소나무를 자른 것 같아요 = It seems that the person who lives in the house next door cut that pine tree
pine tree
소나무는 일년 내내 잎이 같은 색이에요 = The leaves of pine trees are the same color all year long
PLAY옆 집에서 사는 사람은 그 소나무를 자른 것 같아요 = It seems that the person who lives in the house next door cut that pine tree
Common Usages:
길바닥 = a road, street
손바닥 = palm of one’s hand
발바닥 = sole of one’s feet
바닥을 (걸레로) 닦다 = to wipe a floor (with a rag)
바닥에 앉다 = to sit on the floor
바닥에 닿다 = to touch (to be able to reach) a floor
바닥에 깔다 = to spread something out on a floor
강바닥 = riverbed
바닥청소는 매일 해야 해요 = You need to clean the floor every day
그는 죽는 듯이 바닥에 누워 있었어요 = He lay on the ground as if he was dead
바닥이 왜 이렇게 차가워요? = Why is the floor so cold?
오빠는 바닥에 앉아서 점심을 먹었어요 = My brother ate lunch sitting on the floor
저는 바닥에 있는 박스를 들었어요 = I lifted the box on the floor
a road, street
palm of one’s hand
sole of one’s feet
바닥을 (걸레로) 닦다
to wipe a floor (with a rag)
바닥에 앉다
to sit on the floor
바닥에 닿다
to touch (to be able to reach) a floor
바닥에 깔다
to spread something out on a floor
그 사람은 변태인 것 같아요 = It seems like that person is a pervert
변태를 만나면 경찰서에 신고해야 해요 = If you meet a pervert, you should report him to the police
변태들을 피하기 위해서는 어두운 골목길을 피해서 다녀야 해요 = In order to avoid perverts, you should avoid dark alleyways
Notes: Like in English, 홍수 can also be used to refer to a lot of something. For example:
사람의 홍수 = a flood of people
정보의 홍수 = a flood of information
Common Usages:
홍수가 나다 = for a flood to occur
홍수로 인한 피해 = damage due to flooding
매년 여름, 이 지역에는 홍수가 나요 = A flood occurs every summer in this area
홍수를 방지하기 위한 회의가 열렸어요 = We had a meeting about/for preventing a flood
내일 홍수가 날 것 같아요 = There will probably be a flood tomorrow
우리 집이 홍수로 피해를 입어서 집에 못 들어가요 = We can’t go into our house because it was damaged by the flood
시민들이 홍수로 인한 피해를 입은 길을 복구하고 있다 = The citizens are restoring the street that was damaged by the flood
사람의 홍수
a flood of people
정보의 홍수
a flood of information
홍수가 나다
for a flood to occur
홍수로 인한 피해
damage due to flooding
Common Usages:
새우튀김 = deep-fried shrimp
왕새우 = jumbo shrimp
저는 새우에 알레르기가 있어요 = I have an allergy to shrimp
새우는 제가 제일 좋아하는 해산물이에요 = Shrimp is my favorite (type of) seafood
새우가 너무 비쌀 것 같아요 = The shrimp will probably be too expensive
deep-fried shrimp
jumbo shrimp
Common Usages:
왕따를 당하다 = to be treated as an outcast
왕따를 시키다 = to make somebody an outcast
왕따가 되다 = to become an outcast
그 학생이 학교에서 왕따인 것 같아 = It seems like that student is an outcast at school
어릴 때 왕따를 당하면 상처가 오래 남아요
= When one suffers as an outcast at a young age, the scars last for a long time
수진이 초등학교 때 반에서 왕따였어요
= Sujin was an outcast in her class when she was in elementary school
모두는 왕따와 밥을 먹는 것을 피할 것 같아요
= Everybody will probably avoid eating with the outcast
왕따를 당하다
to be treated as an outcast
왕따를 시키다
to make somebody an outcast
왕따가 되다
to become an outcast
Common Usages:
낚시금지 = no fishing (fishing prohibited)
낚싯대 = fishing rod
낚싯줄 = fishing line
낚시꾼 = fisherman
아빠는 낚시하러 갔어요? = Did dad go fishing?
승호는 매주 일요일에 낚시를 간다 = Seungho goes fishing every Sunday
낚시를 하기 위해서는 많은 용품들이 필요해요 = In order to fish, you need many things
저는 친구들이랑 내일 낚시를 할 것 같아요 = I will probably go fishing with my friends tomorrow
no fishing (fishing prohibited)
fishing rod
fishing line
one’s junior
The opposite of “후배” is “선배” which typically translates to “one’s senior.”
Common Usages:
후배양성 = training your juniors
저는 슬기의 고등학교 후배예요 = I’m Seulgi’s junior from high school
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요 = It seems like our juniors don’t like volunteering
유명한 가수들은 후배양성을 위해 최선을 다해요 = Famous singers do their best to develop/train their juniors (singers younger than them)
training your juniors
Common Usages:
꿀을 채취하다 = to harvest honey
꿀벅지 = a slang word to refer to a good looking inner thigh
천연 꿀을 생산하기 위해서는 벌이 필요해요 = If you want to produce natural honey, you need bees
설탕 대신 꿀을 차에 넣어 마시는 게 건강에 더 좋아요 = Instead of sugar, drinking tea with honey added is more advantageous to health
꿀을 채취하다
to harvest honey
a slang word to refer to a good looking inner thigh
inner thigh
허벅지가 아프겠다! = Your inner thigh must hurt!
허벅지 운동은 꾸준히 하는 게 좋아요 = It is good to do inner thigh exercises consistently
허벅지 근육은 균형을 유지하는 데 중요한 역할을 해요 = The muscles of your inner-thigh play an important role in maintaining one’s balance
Common Usages:
말을 타다 = to ride/get on a horse
말에서 내리다 = to get down from a horse
말타기 = horseback riding
제가 가장 좋아하는 동물은 말이에요 = My favorite animals are horses
말을 잘 타기 위해서는 꾸준한 연습이 필요해요 = In order to ride a horse well, steady practice is necessary
말을 타다
to ride/get on a horse
말에서 내리다
to get down from a horse
horseback riding
holiday, vacation
Common Usages:
여름휴가 = a summer holiday
겨울휴가 = a winter holiday
출산휴가 = maternity leave
휴가철 = vacation season
휴가 때 = During a vacation
… 휴가를 보내다 = To spend one’s vacation doing…
휴가 때 어디로 갈 거예요? = Where are you going to go during vacation?
우리는 휴가를 중국에서 보낼 것 같아요 = We will probably spend our holiday in China
제가 여름을 제일 좋아하는 이유는 긴 휴가가 있기 때문이에요
= The reason I like summer the most is because there is a long holiday
그런 일을 하면 장기 휴가를 갈 수 없어요
= If you do that kind of work/job, you can’t go on any long/extended holidays
우리는 TV를 켜놓은 채 3일 동안 휴가를 떠났어요
= We went on a holiday for three days with the TV turned (left) on
제 기억에 남는 휴가는 엄마와 함께 바닷가에 놀러 간 휴가에요
= The vacation that still remains in my memory (the most) is the time (vacation) that I went with mom to the seaside
a summer holiday
a winter holiday
maternity leave
vacation season
휴가 때
During a vacation
… 휴가를 보내다
To spend one’s vacation doing…
Common Usages:
휴식을 취하다 = to take a break
사람은 때때로 휴식을 취해야 해요 = People need to take breaks sometimes
휴식시간에 마시는 커피가 제일 맛있어요 = The coffee you drink on break time is the most delicious
그는 휴식을 하는 것 같아요 = It seems as though he is taking a break now
휴식을 취하다
to take a break
to overflow
Notes: In addition to physical matter overflowing, it is also possible to use 넘치다 to describe that a person has a lot of (or “to be overflowing with”) a particular (usually positive) emotion. For example:
활기가 넘치다 = to have a lot of energy/vigor
기쁨이 넘치다 = to be really happy/glad
자신감이 넘치다 = to have a lot of confidence
의욕이 넘치다 = to have a lot of motivation/drive
Common Usages:
물이 넘치다 = for water to overflow
수영장물이 다 넘쳤어요? = Did all the water overflow out of the pool?
물이 넘치지 전에 꼭 불을 꺼야 해요 = You need to turn off the flame before the water overflows
어젯밤에 집에 물이 넘쳐 홍수가 났어요 = Last night, the water overflowed and flooded the house
물이 넘치다
for water to overflow
활기가 넘치다
to have a lot of energy/vigor
기쁨이 넘치다
to be really happy/glad
자신감이 넘치다
to have a lot of confidence
의욕이 넘치다
to have a lot of motivation/drive
to avoid
Common Usages:
사람을 피하다 = to avoid a person
시선을 피하다 = to avoid one’s eyes/eyesight
비판을 피하다 = to avoid criticism
저는 가까스로 그 차를 피할 수 있었어요 = I was barely able to avoid that car
변태들을 피하기 위해서는 어두운 골목길을 피해서 다녀야 해요 = In order to avoid perverts, you should avoid dark alleyways
사람을 피하다
to avoid a person
시선을 피하다
to avoid one’s eyes/eyesight
비판을 피하다
to avoid criticism
to unfold, to unroll
The passive form of this word is 펴지다 (to be unfolded, to be unrolled)
Common Usages:
이불을 펴다 = to unfold a blanket
지도를 펴다 = to unfold a map
우산을 펴다 = to open up an umbrella
잔디밭에 담요를 펴고 모여 앉았어요 = We unfolded a blanket on the grass and all sat on it
매일 밤 잠자기 전에 저는 바닥에 이불을 펴요 = Every night before I go to bed I unfold a blanket onto the floor
이불을 펴다
to unfold a blanket
지도를 펴다
to unfold a map