Lesson 26 Flashcards
아줌마 / 아주머니
middle aged/older woman
Common Usages:
청소아줌마 = cleaning lady
저는 아줌마를 위해 문을 열었어요 = I opened the door for an older lady
아줌마 and 아주머니 are commonly used to refer to an older woman that you don’t know the name of, or even do know the name of but aren’t close enough to call her by her name.
This also extends to older women who work in a restaurant.
cleaning lady
middle aged/older woman
아줌마 / 아주머니
Common Usages:
청소아줌마 = cleaning lady
저는 아줌마를 위해 문을 열었어요 = I opened the door for an older lady
아줌마 and 아주머니 are commonly used to refer to an older woman that you don’t know the name of, or even do know the name of but aren’t close enough to call her by her name.
This also extends to older women who work in a restaurant.
thing, item, goods
Common Usages:
비싼 물건 = an expensive item
제가 산 물건을 언제 받을 수 있어요? = When can I receive the goods I purchased?
한국에서는 세금이 물건 값에 포함돼요 = In Korea, tax is included in the price of goods
비싼 물건
an expensive item
thing, item, goods
Common Usages:
비싼 물건 = an expensive item
제가 산 물건을 언제 받을 수 있어요? = When can I receive the goods I purchased?
한국에서는 세금이 물건 값에 포함돼요 = In Korea, tax is included in the price of goods
hall, hallway
Common Usages:
좁은 복도 = narrow hallway
긴 복도 = long hallway
좁은 복도
narrow hallway
긴 복도
long hallway
hall, hallway
Common Usages:
좁은 복도 = narrow hallway
긴 복도 = long hallway
purpose, aim, goal
Common Usages:
목적을 이루다 = to achieve a goal
목적을 달성하다 = to achieve a goal
목적을 세우다 = to set a goal
목적어 = an object (in a sentence ), in other words, the thing that “~을/를” is attached to
목적지 = destination (the “goal” place)
저는 목적을 이루지 못했어요 = I couldn’t achieve my goal
우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
친구와 여행의 목적을 정하고 여행 일정을 대충 만들었어요 = I set the goals of the trip with my friend and then made rough travel plans
목적을 이루다
to achieve a goal
목적을 달성하다
to achieve a goal
목적을 세우다
to set a goal
an object (in a sentence ), in other words, the thing that “~을/를” is attached to
purpose, aim, goal
Common Usages:
목적을 이루다 = to achieve a goal
목적을 달성하다 = to achieve a goal
목적을 세우다 = to set a goal
목적어 = an object (in a sentence ), in other words, the thing that “~을/를” is attached to
목적지 = destination (the “goal” place)
저는 목적을 이루지 못했어요 = I couldn’t achieve my goal
우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
친구와 여행의 목적을 정하고 여행 일정을 대충 만들었어요 = I set the goals of the trip with my friend and then made rough travel plans
Common Usages:
목적지에 도착하다 = to arrive at a destination
목적지를 정하다 = to decide on a destination
최종목적지 = final destination
우리가 목적지에 거의 도착했어요 = We have almost arrived at our destination
최종목적지가 어디예요? = Where is your final destination?
Notes: “목적” translates to “goal.” 지 (地) refers to land or a place.
“목적지” literally refers to the “goal” place or “the place one is headed towards.”
This is easier translated to just “destination.”
Common Usages:
목적지에 도착하다 = to arrive at a destination
목적지를 정하다 = to decide on a destination
최종목적지 = final destination
우리가 목적지에 거의 도착했어요 = We have almost arrived at our destination
최종목적지가 어디예요? = Where is your final destination?
Notes: “목적” translates to “goal.” 지 (地) refers to land or a place.
“목적지” literally refers to the “goal” place or “the place one is headed towards.”
This is easier translated to just “destination.”
목적지에 도착하다
to arrive at a destination
목적지를 정하다
to decide on a destination
final destination
nation, country
Common Usages:
공산국가 = communist nation
민주국가 = democratic nation
국가주의자 = nationalist
국가대표팀 = national team
모든 국가의 자원은 국민이다 = The resource of all nations is its people
30개의 유럽국가에서 각 나라 대표들이 왔어요 = Representatives from 30 European nations came
communist nation
democratic nation
national team
nation, country
Common Usages:
공산국가 = communist nation
민주국가 = democratic nation
국가주의자 = nationalist
국가대표팀 = national team
모든 국가의 자원은 국민이다 = The resource of all nations is its people
30개의 유럽국가에서 각 나라 대표들이 왔어요 = Representatives from 30 European nations came
여기는 역사적인 동네입니다 = This (here) is a historical neighborhood
어느 동네에서 살아요? = Which neighborhood do you live in?
그 동네에는 가난한 사람이 많아요 = There are many poor people in that neighborhood
이 동네에서 산 지 얼마나 되었어요? = How long have you lived in this neighborhood for?
이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요 = There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
여기는 역사적인 동네입니다 = This (here) is a historical neighborhood
어느 동네에서 살아요? = Which neighborhood do you live in?
그 동네에는 가난한 사람이 많아요 = There are many poor people in that neighborhood
이 동네에서 산 지 얼마나 되었어요? = How long have you lived in this neighborhood for?
이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요 = There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
Common Usages:
학비를 내다 = to pay one’s tuition
학비를 언제까지 내야 돼요? = Until when do I have to pay my tuition?
저는 그 대학교에 가고 싶지만 학비가 너무 비싸요 = I want to go to that university, but the tuition is too expensive
학비를 내다
to pay one’s tuition
Common Usages:
학비를 내다 = to pay one’s tuition
학비를 언제까지 내야 돼요? = Until when do I have to pay my tuition?
저는 그 대학교에 가고 싶지만 학비가 너무 비싸요 = I want to go to that university, but the tuition is too expensive
군대에서는 사람들이 무기훈련을 받아요 = People in the army receive weapon training
학교에서 무기를 가지고 있는 것은 불법입니다 = It is illegal to carry a weapon in school
군대에서는 사람들이 무기훈련을 받아요 = People in the army receive weapon training
학교에서 무기를 가지고 있는 것은 불법입니다 = It is illegal to carry a weapon in school
right/correct answer
Common Usages:
정답을 알다 = to know the right answer
정답을 맞추다 = to guess the right answer
그는 정답을 아는 척했어요 = He pretended to know the right answer
정답을 안다면 손을 들어! = If you know the correct answer, raise your hand!
Notes: This word is commonly yelled by Korean people if somebody asks a question to a large group. The group is usually students, but they could also be contestants on a game show or some quiz show on TV. It is common for the person who knows the correct answer to raise his/her hand and yell “정답!”
정답을 알다
to know the right answer
정답을 맞추다
to guess the right answer
right/correct answer
Common Usages:
정답을 알다 = to know the right answer
정답을 맞추다 = to guess the right answer
그는 정답을 아는 척했어요 = He pretended to know the right answer
정답을 안다면 손을 들어! = If you know the correct answer, raise your hand!
Notes: This word is commonly yelled by Korean people if somebody asks a question to a large group. The group is usually students, but they could also be contestants on a game show or some quiz show on TV. It is common for the person who knows the correct answer to raise his/her hand and yell “정답!”
청소년들은 그들 자신을 사랑하지 않는다 = Young people don’t love themselves
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
일본에서 성인들은 미국 청소년보다 만화책을 더 많이 읽어요
= In Japan, adults read more comic books than kids do in America
이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요
= There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
청소년들은 그들 자신을 사랑하지 않는다 = Young people don’t love themselves
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
일본에서 성인들은 미국 청소년보다 만화책을 더 많이 읽어요
= In Japan, adults read more comic books than kids do in America
이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요
= There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
a certain area or region
Common Usages:
지역 번호 = area code
Examples: 우리가 사는 지역이 조금 위험해요 = The area we live in is a little bit dangerous
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
Notes: 지역 is more about the area of a city or country. Like 경기도 지역 (the area of 경기 province) etc..
구역 is more about the area of any other place, like a specific designated area of a building or park, etc. (for example, 견인구역 = tow away zone)
지역 번호
area code
a certain area or region
Common Usages:
지역 번호 = area code
Examples: 우리가 사는 지역이 조금 위험해요 = The area we live in is a little bit dangerous
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
Notes: 지역 is more about the area of a city or country. Like 경기도 지역 (the area of 경기 province) etc..
구역 is more about the area of any other place, like a specific designated area of a building or park, etc. (for example, 견인구역 = tow away zone)
match or game
Common Usages:
경기장 = sports stadium
경기력 = sports performance
우리는 3대 2로 경기를 이겼어요 = We won the game 3 to 2
우리는 다른 팀을 농구경기에서 이겼어요 = We beat the other team in the basketball game
축구경기를 보면서 맥주를 마셨어요 = I watched the match while drinking beer
축구 경기를 내일 보러 갈래요? = Shall we go to see a soccer game tomorrow?
야구 경기에서 두산은 LG를 이기게 되었어요 = Doosan ended up beating LG in the baseball game
제가 생각한 대로 태권도 올림픽 경기에서 대한민국 선수는 일본 선수를 이겼어요 = As I thought, the Korean athlete beat the Japanese athlete in the Taekwondo match
sports stadium
sports performance
match or game
Common Usages:
경기장 = sports stadium
경기력 = sports performance
우리는 3대 2로 경기를 이겼어요 = We won the game 3 to 2
우리는 다른 팀을 농구경기에서 이겼어요 = We beat the other team in the basketball game
축구경기를 보면서 맥주를 마셨어요 = I watched the match while drinking beer
축구 경기를 내일 보러 갈래요? = Shall we go to see a soccer game tomorrow?
야구 경기에서 두산은 LG를 이기게 되었어요 = Doosan ended up beating LG in the baseball game
제가 생각한 대로 태권도 올림픽 경기에서 대한민국 선수는 일본 선수를 이겼어요 = As I thought, the Korean athlete beat the Japanese athlete in the Taekwondo match
grade, score
Common Usages:
시험 점수 = exam score
높은 점수 = high score
낮은 점수 = low score
제가 받을 점수는 중요해요 = The score I will receive is important
학생들한테 점수를 안 보여줘도 돼요 = I/you don’t need to show the scores to the students
학생들이 자기의 점수가 너무 낮다고 불평하지 않았으면 좋겠어요 = I wish students didn’t complain that their score was too low
시험 점수
exam score
높은 점수
high score
낮은 점수
low score
grade, score
Common Usages:
시험 점수 = exam score
높은 점수 = high score
낮은 점수 = low score
제가 받을 점수는 중요해요 = The score I will receive is important
학생들한테 점수를 안 보여줘도 돼요 = I/you don’t need to show the scores to the students
학생들이 자기의 점수가 너무 낮다고 불평하지 않았으면 좋겠어요 = I wish students didn’t complain that their score was too low
player (in sports)
Common Usages:
축구선수 = soccer player
농구선수 = basketball player
수영선수 = swimmer
야구선수는 공을 세게 던졌어요 = The baseball player threw the ball hard
그는 축구선수만큼 달리기를 잘해요 = He runs as well as a soccer athlete/player
선수는 숨을 못 쉬도록 뛰었어요 = The athlete ran to the extent that he couldn’t breathe
선수가 공을 골대에 넣자마자 관중들은 환호하기 시작했어요
= As soon as the player put the ball into the net, the spectators/crowd started cheering
제가 생각한 대로 태권도 올림픽 경기에서 대한민국 선수는 일본 선수를 이겼어요
= As I thought, the Korean athlete beat the Japanese athlete in the Taekwondo match
In Korean, the word 선수 is used to refer to any athlete of any sport.
soccer player
basketball player
player (in sports)
Common Usages:
축구선수 = soccer player
농구선수 = basketball player
수영선수 = swimmer
야구선수는 공을 세게 던졌어요 = The baseball player threw the ball hard
그는 축구선수만큼 달리기를 잘해요 = He runs as well as a soccer athlete/player
선수는 숨을 못 쉬도록 뛰었어요 = The athlete ran to the extent that he couldn’t breathe
선수가 공을 골대에 넣자마자 관중들은 환호하기 시작했어요
= As soon as the player put the ball into the net, the spectators/crowd started cheering
제가 생각한 대로 태권도 올림픽 경기에서 대한민국 선수는 일본 선수를 이겼어요
= As I thought, the Korean athlete beat the Japanese athlete in the Taekwondo match
In Korean, the word 선수 is used to refer to any athlete of any sport.
Common Usages:
목숨을 잃었다 = to lose a life (to die)
목숨을 걸다 = to risk one’s life
목숨을 살리다 = to save one’s life
목숨을 바치다 = to dedicate one’s life
사람 네 명은 목숨을 잃었다 = Four people lost their lives
그 사람은 사고로 인해 목숨을 잃었어요 = That person died from due to a car accident
Notes: This word translates to “life” but is usually used when one ‘loses,’ ‘saves,’ or ‘dedicates’ a life.
목숨을 잃었다
to lose a life (to die)
목숨을 걸다
to risk one’s life
목숨을 살리다
to save one’s life
목숨을 바치다
to dedicate one’s life
Notes: This word translates to “life” but is usually used when one ‘loses,’ ‘saves,’ or ‘dedicates’ a life.
Common Usages:
목숨을 잃었다 = to lose a life (to die)
목숨을 걸다 = to risk one’s life
목숨을 살리다 = to save one’s life
목숨을 바치다 = to dedicate one’s life
사람 네 명은 목숨을 잃었다 = Four people lost their lives
그 사람은 사고로 인해 목숨을 잃었어요 = That person died from due to a car accident
Common Usages:
모기에 물리다 = to be bitten by a mosquito
모기를 퇴치하다 = to get rid of “eradicate” mosquitos
숲에는 모기가 많아요 = There are a lot of mosquitos in the forest
모기가 파리보다 잡아죽이는 것이 더 쉬워요 = It is easier to catch and kill mosquitos than flies
모기에 물리다
to be bitten by a mosquito
모기를 퇴치하다
to get rid of “eradicate” mosquitos
Common Usages:
모기에 물리다 = to be bitten by a mosquito
모기를 퇴치하다 = to get rid of “eradicate” mosquitos
숲에는 모기가 많아요 = There are a lot of mosquitos in the forest
모기가 파리보다 잡아죽이는 것이 더 쉬워요 = It is easier to catch and kill mosquitos than flies
Common Usages:
허리가 아프다 = for one’s back to be sore
허리를 구부리다/굽히다 = to bend over
하루 종일 일을 해서 이제 허리가 아파요 = My back is sore after working all day
Notes: Although this typically translates to “waist,” Korean people often say “허리(가) 아프다” when their lower-back is sore. For example, if somebody came home after a hard day of work with lots of standing around and/or physical labor, he/she would say “아우! 허리 아파!” In English, it would be unnatural to say “Ahh! My waist hurts!” It would be more natural to say “My back hurts.”
허리가 아프다
for one’s back to be sore
허리를 구부리다/굽히다
to bend over
Common Usages:
허리가 아프다 = for one’s back to be sore
허리를 구부리다/굽히다 = to bend over
하루 종일 일을 해서 이제 허리가 아파요 = My back is sore after working all day
Notes: Although this typically translates to “waist,” Korean people often say “허리(가) 아프다” when their lower-back is sore. For example, if somebody came home after a hard day of work with lots of standing around and/or physical labor, he/she would say “아우! 허리 아파!” In English, it would be unnatural to say “Ahh! My waist hurts!” It would be more natural to say “My back hurts.”
Common Usages:
달력 = calendar
초승달 = a crescent shaped moon
보름달 = a full moon
오늘 달이 왠지 아주 커 보여요 = For some reason the moon looks big tonight
Notes: When talking about the moons of other planets, the word “위성” (which typically translates to “satellite”) is used.
a crescent shaped moon
a full moon
Common Usages:
달력 = calendar
초승달 = a crescent shaped moon
보름달 = a full moon
오늘 달이 왠지 아주 커 보여요 = For some reason the moon looks big tonight
Notes: When talking about the moons of other planets, the word “위성” (which typically translates to “satellite”) is used.
Common Usages:
인사말 = greeting words
인사를 받다 = to receive a greeting
인사를 드리다 = to give a greeting (to greet a person in a formal way – like to a boss or something)
인사를 주고받다 = to exchange greetings
할아버지께 인사를 드리고 싶어요 = I want to greet my grandfather
저는 친구에게 반갑게 인사했어요 = I greeted my friend happily
그 사람에게 인사하기 싫어서 다른 사람과 통화하고 있는 척했어요 = I didn’t want to say ‘hi’ to (greet) that person, so I pretended to be talking on the phone with somebody else
greeting words
인사를 받다
to receive a greeting
인사를 드리다
to give a greeting (to greet a person in a formal way – like to a boss or something)
인사를 주고받다
to exchange greetings
Common Usages:
인사말 = greeting words
인사를 받다 = to receive a greeting
인사를 드리다 = to give a greeting (to greet a person in a formal way – like to a boss or something)
인사를 주고받다 = to exchange greetings
할아버지께 인사를 드리고 싶어요 = I want to greet my grandfather
저는 친구에게 반갑게 인사했어요 = I greeted my friend happily
그 사람에게 인사하기 싫어서 다른 사람과 통화하고 있는 척했어요 = I didn’t want to say ‘hi’ to (greet) that person, so I pretended to be talking on the phone with somebody else
Common Usages:
소금을 뿌리다 = to sprinkle some salt
소금을 많이 먹는 것은 건강에 안 좋아요 = It is not healthy to eat a lot of salt
Notes: When Korean people put “salt” on the road, they refer to it as “염화칼슘” (Calcium Chloride)
소금을 뿌리다
to sprinkle some salt
Common Usages:
소금을 뿌리다 = to sprinkle some salt
소금을 많이 먹는 것은 건강에 안 좋아요 = It is not healthy to eat a lot of salt
Notes: When Korean people put “salt” on the road, they refer to it as “염화칼슘” (Calcium Chloride)
tobacco, cigarettes
Common Usages:
담배를 피우다 = to smoke cigarettes
담뱃값 = the price of cigarettes
담배에 중독되다 = to be addicted to cigarettes
담배를 끊다 = to quit smoking
담배를 피우는 것은 건강에 나빠요 = It is unhealthy to smoke cigarettes
옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요 = There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
이곳은 흡연 구역이라서 담배를 피워도 돼요 = You are allowed to smoke here because this is a smoking area
담배를 피우다
to smoke cigarettes
the price of cigarettes
담배에 중독되다
to be addicted to cigarettes
담배를 끊다
to quit smoking
tobacco, cigarettes
Common Usages:
담배를 피우다 = to smoke cigarettes
담뱃값 = the price of cigarettes
담배에 중독되다 = to be addicted to cigarettes
담배를 끊다 = to quit smoking
담배를 피우는 것은 건강에 나빠요 = It is unhealthy to smoke cigarettes
옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요 = There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
이곳은 흡연 구역이라서 담배를 피워도 돼요 = You are allowed to smoke here because this is a smoking area
Common Usages:
응급환자 = emergency patient
옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요
= There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
의사가 환자에게 열이 다 내렸냐고 물어봤어요
= the doctor asked the patient if his/her fever went down
환자분이 느끼는 고통은 부작용 중 하나 일 뿐이에요
= The pain you (the patient) are feeling is just one of the side effects
emergency patient
Common Usages:
응급환자 = emergency patient
옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요
= There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
의사가 환자에게 열이 다 내렸냐고 물어봤어요
= the doctor asked the patient if his/her fever went down
환자분이 느끼는 고통은 부작용 중 하나 일 뿐이에요
= The pain you (the patient) are feeling is just one of the side effects
Common Usages:
옷걸이에 옷을 걸다 = to hang clothes with a hanger
옷을 말릴 때 옷걸이에 걸어서 말리는 것이 좋아요 = When you dry your clothes, it is good to put them on a hanger and dry them
옷걸이에 옷을 걸다
to hang clothes with a hanger
Common Usages:
옷걸이에 옷을 걸다 = to hang clothes with a hanger
옷을 말릴 때 옷걸이에 걸어서 말리는 것이 좋아요 = When you dry your clothes, it is good to put them on a hanger and dry them
Common Usages:
인천국제공항 = Incheon International Airport
국제운전면허증 = international driver’s license
국제학교 = international school
국제무역 = international trade
국제화 = internationalization
국제경제 = international economics
국제정치 = international politics
국제사회 = international community
우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
Incheon International Airport
international driver’s license
international school
international trade
international economics
international politics
international community
Common Usages:
인천국제공항 = Incheon International Airport
국제운전면허증 = international driver’s license
국제학교 = international school
국제무역 = international trade
국제화 = internationalization
국제경제 = international economics
국제정치 = international politics
국제사회 = international community
우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
usual, normal, typical
Notes: This word is usually placed before a noun to describe it as something that is “normal” or “not special.”
Common Usages:
일반적으로 = typically
일반 사람 = most people (typical people – the people who are typical)
일반 국가 = most countries (typical countries – the countries that are typical)
고속도로가 막혀서 일반 길로 갈 거예요 = The highway is jammed, so I will take the normal road급행열차가 출발하자마자 일반 전철이 역에 들어왔어요 = As soon as the express train left, the regular train came into the station
일반 사람
most people (typical people – the people who are typical)
일반 국가
most countries (typical countries – the countries that are typical)
usual, normal, typical
Notes: This word is usually placed before a noun to describe it as something that is “normal” or “not special.”
Common Usages:
일반적으로 = typically
일반 사람 = most people (typical people – the people who are typical)
일반 국가 = most countries (typical countries – the countries that are typical)
고속도로가 막혀서 일반 길로 갈 거예요 = The highway is jammed, so I will take the normal road급행열차가 출발하자마자 일반 전철이 역에 들어왔어요 = As soon as the express train left, the regular train came into the station
cleaning lady
an expensive item
비싼 물건
narrow hallway
좁은 복도
long hallway
긴 복도
to achieve a goal
목적을 이루다
to achieve a goal
목적을 달성하다
to set a goal
목적을 세우다
an object (in a sentence ), in other words, the thing that “~을/를” is attached to