Lesson 31 Flashcards
A target is considered paired when…
the computer correlates the predicted position, speed and heading with the actual radar return using flight plan information
A target is considered unpaired when…
the computer is NOT correlating the a/c with flight plan information and is using radar data ONLY
For unpaired primary targets, “.” means the target is _____ and “+” means the target is ____
Weak; strong
Position symbols: diamond: triangle: #: H: hourglass:
FLAT track- Flight Plan Aided Tracking
Free track- use of radar data without the use of flight plan info
Coast track-tracking program has lost contact with the radar target
Hold at a fix or present position hold
Frozen data block - a/c track is frozen at its present position, on approach
Velocity vector
- represents the distance and direction the a/c will travel
- based on computer ground speed and track
- does not represent change in speed or turn
Leader line
connects the position symbol with the FDB
Field A
- A1 through A8, begin at A2 (always a letter)
- ^ over A2: a/c entered another sector without a handoff being made
- ^ over A3: a/c will not auto-handoff
Field B
assigned altitude information
Mode C reported altitude is within +/- 200 ft of single assigned altitude
Mode C has reported the a/c at assigned altitude and a/c has deviated 300 ft or more above/below assigned altitude
flight type is VFR
neither controller-entered nor Mode C reported altitude has been received for a/c
Controller-entered reported altitude equals single assigned altitude
Mode C altitude is corrupt or lost
Mode C reported altitude is within 200 ft of upper or lower limit of block altitude
Mode C is received or controller-entered reported altitude but no assigned altitude exists
interim altitude
C4 position contains # when…
- a/c is not responding with mode C altitude
- controller-entered altitude does not equal the single assigned altitude
- a/c is leaving altitude for assigned altitude
C4 position contains X when…
exceptional vertical rate (EVRI)
climb arrow in coral box
non-rvsm a/c
Field D
R-do not have track control
Field E
Ground speed
- time sharing basis if an additional item becomes eligible for display
special condition information relative to status of a/c
a/c squawking emergency
a/c squawking radio failure
attempted handoff of FDB to another facility has failed
updated data is not being received
mismatch between two ERAM facilities’ track position
- inform the FLM
mismatch between ERAM and non-ERAM facility
- verify position of target
controller-entered message that indicates the flights position is not being updated
- position symbol changes to an hourglass
- track position freezes
- Mode C no longer displayed
a/c has been put into hold at data blocks present point
- position symbol changes to H
a/c is in side stream handoff status to another ERAM facility
a/c is in coast status, not tracked by computer
- position symbol changes to #
a/c has an assigned beacon code but none is received
a/c has an assigned beacon code but the code received is not the proper code. Improper code is displayed
H-dd (H-12)
track is being handed off to sector in same center
O-dd (O-12)
handoff has been accepted by sector in same center
K-dd (K-12)
handoff has been ‘stolen’ using /OK
HLdd (HF30)
track is being handed off to another center
OLdd (OF30)
handoff has been accepted by another center
track is being handed off to ARTS facility
handoff has been accepted by ARTS facility
Field F
- variable data field
- may contain a/c type/equipment, destination, heading, speed
Field F: headings
H by three digit number
H050, H180/JAX, H300/J79
Field F: assigned speeds
S followed by a three digit number
symbol + maintain specified speed or greater
symbol - maintain specified speed or less
S250, S230+, M82-
Field F: weather deviations
D followed by a letter
- L left of course
- R right of course
- D30L deviating 30 deg left
Field F: request for altitude/route change
RQ followed by altitude
RQ followed by a slant and a specific fix
HSF display
heading/speed/free form display/suppress indicator
paired limited data block displays…
acid and mode C altitude
unpaired limited data block displays…
beacon code and mode C altitude if available
- does not show code for VFR a/c squawking 1200 (target symbol V)
- does NOT contain acid
NEXRAD wx display
moderate: purple
heavy: checkered cyan
extreme: cyan