Lesson 3: Sentences - Grammar Builder 1 Flashcards
Direct Object Pronouns
You (infml)
Him, it, you (fml)
Her, it, you (fml)
All of you (infml)
Them, you
Them, you
I love Maria.
Without pronoun
Yo amo a maría.
I love her.
With pronoun
Yo la amo.
Manuela calls Pedro.
Without pronoun
Manuela llama a Pedro.
Manuela calls him.
With pronoun
Manuela lo llama.
They visit Maria and Clara.
Without pronoun
Ellos visitan a María and Clara.
They visit them.
With pronoun
Ellos las visitan.
Now lets look at how direct object pronouns are used. In spanish, as you saw in the examples above, come right before the verb.
Carlos doesnt know you.
With pronoun
Carlos no te conoce.
I hear them, but I dont see them.
With pronoun
Los oigo pero no los veo.
We dont forget her.
With pronoun
Nosotros no la olvidamos.
However, if the main verb appears in the infinitive form (ending in -ar, -er, -ir), the direct object pronoun can come either before the verbal phrase or after the infinitive , in which case the pronoun is attached to it.
Carlos wants to meet you.
Int, before verb phrase
Carlos te quiere conocer.
Carlos wants to meet you.
Inf, pronoun attached
Carlos quiere conocerte.
I can hear them, but I can’t see them.
Inf, pronoun before verb phrase
Los puedo oír, pero no los puedo ver.
I can hear them, but I can’t see them.
Inf, pronoun attached
Puedo oírlos, pero no puedo verlos.
We dont want to forget her.
Inf, pronoun attached
Nosotros no queremos olvidarla.
We dont want to forget her.
Inf, pronoun before verbal phrase
Nosotros no la queremos olvidar.
A similar thing happens with the present participle ( -ando, -iendo ) form. Notice the use of the accent mark, which ensures the stress remains on the same syllable as it would if there is no participial ending.
I am helping you.
Present participle, before
Te estoy ayudando.
I am helping you.
Present participle, attached
Estoy ayudándote.