Lesson 3: Philippine Health Care Delivery System Flashcards
It is a fundamental human right
- It is a brief document that expresses the need for urgent action to protect the health of all people in the world.
- its goal is for human to reach the optimum level of their health
Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978
According to Declaration of Alta-Ama, it is essential health care based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods.
Primary Health Care
- It is universally accessible and acceptable to individuals through full participation.
- it has basic essential elements and objectives that help to attain better health services for all.
Primary Health Care
The ultimate goal of primary health care
Better health for all
It refers to an organized plan of health services
Health Care System (Miller-Keanne, 1987)
It is the rendering of health care services to the people
Health Care Delivery (William-Tungpalan, 1981)
This is the network of health facilities and personnel which carries out the task of rendering health care to the people
Health Care Delivery System (Williams-Tungpalan, 1981)
It is a complex set of organizations interacting to provide an array of health services in the Philippines
Philippine Health Care System (Dizon, 1977)
WHO key elements to achieving the ultimate goal of primary health care:
- universal coverage to reduce social disparities in health
- service delivery organized around people’s needs and expectation
- public policy
- leadership
- increased stakeholder participation
Essential Elements of Primary Health Care:
- Education
- Water and Sanitation
- Nutrition
- Maternal and Child health
- Immunization
- Prevention of endemic disease
- Treatment
- Essential drug arrangement
Other Elements of Primary Health Care:
- Expended options of immunizations
- Reproductive health needs
- Provision of essential technologies for health
- Health promotion
- Prevention aand control of non-communicable diseases
- Food safety and provision of selected food supplements
Set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished
Design the organization for which the manager is responsible
Acquiring and retaining human resources
Monitoring staff activities and performance
Initiating action in the organization
Functions of the Health Care Managers:
Management Principles in Relation to Organizing:
- Authority, Responsibility, Accountability
- Types of Authority
- Centralization, Decentralization, Formalization
- Staffing
Formal and legitimate right of manager to issue orders
Duty of the employee to perform the assigned tasks and activities
Reporting and justification of task outcomes to higher management by those people with authority
Types of authority:
Line authority
Functional authority
Staff authority
Managers issue orders to their subordinates and are also responsible for the results
Line authority
Managers that have power only over a specific set of activities
Functional authority
It is given to specialists in their areas of expertise
Staff authority
Refers to the concentration of planning and decision-making to the top of the organization
Refers to the delegation of planning and decision-making to the lower branches of the organization
Refers to written documentation provided for the direct control of the employees
- Assign individuals to respective positions identifies in the management plan
- assess required competencies
- recruit qualified personnel
- improve existing service and programs
Levels of Health Care Facilities
Primary Level of Health Care Facilities
Secondary Level of Health Care Facilities
Tertiary Level of Health Care Facilities
It requires moderately specialized knowledge and technical resources for adequate treatment is offered
Secondary Level of Health Care Facilities
Require highly technical and specialized knowledge, facilities, and personnel for effective tratment
Tertiary Level of Health Care Facilities
Factors on the various categories of Health Workers Among Countries and Communities
Available health manpower resources
Local health needs and problems
Political and financial feasibility
Levels of primary health care workers
Village or grassroot health workers
Intermediate level health workers
First line hospital personnel
They are the first contact of the community
Village or grassroot health workers
They are the first source of professional health care
Intermediate level health workers
They provide backup health services for cases that require hospitalization
First line hospital personnel