lesson 3- patterns of production Flashcards
what are conglomerates?
a collection of different companies or organisations that all report to one parent company- e.g. most TNCs
what are economies of scale?
cost advantages of being a larger organisation
e.g. buying in bulk is cheaper
what is a maquiladora?
a manufacturing operation/factory/plant located in a free zone in Mexico
-they import raw materials and export the final product without any trade barriers
what is the international division of labour (IDL)?
two sides:
1-highly skilled+ paid
-developed economies
-usually tertiary+quaternary sectors
2-unskilled+ low pay
-in developing economies
-usually primary+secondary sectors
what is the shift of manufacturing jobs?
from HICs -> LICs/NEEs due to cheaper costs
from the 4 Asian Tigers-> BRIC -> MINT