Lesson 3 Flashcards
Is a group of organizations involved in producing or handing the same product or type of services
Are the guidelines and goals set for different entertainment industries
Industry standards
Often a sports or entertain,net writer, who then commits it to paper for a fee
Who, for a percentage at the sales, plans the marketing campaign and personal appearances
Literary agent
Generally considered traveling for pleasure, whether the travels independent or tour-based
Is the total of new spending resulting from the event or attraction
Direct economic impact
Is determined by the multiplier effect, meaning the portion of the money spent by visitors on local goods and services that is in turn spent locally by employers and employees
Indirect economic impact
People in the travel refer to recreational travel or tours planned around a special interest
Niche travel
Is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well being of local people
Which The Walt Disney Company and the Hong Kong SAR Government share the costs and profits
Joint venture
Which includes water, sewer, roadways and all other underlying framework
This phenomena or international economic relationship is ofter referred to
Theft of copyrighted material