Lesson 3 Flashcards
Role of Nurse in Cultural Skill
- Be alert for unexpected responses with patients,
- Become aware of cultural differences
- Develop assessment skills to do a competent cultural assessment
- Learn assessment skills for different cultural groups,
Eating meat is prohibited because it involves harming a living creature.
Cremation is most common form of body disposal
What should a cultural assessment include
o Values orientation
o Communication
o Nutrition
o Educational background
o Religious affiliation
o Spiritual considerations
Choosing an Interpreter
- Use an agency interpreter if possible.
- Use a trained medical interpreter who knows how to interpret
- Use a family member only if necessary
- Ability to collect relevant cultural data
- Performance of a cultural assessment
Cultural Skill
Moderation in diet and avoidance of extremes are practiced. Central tenets are maintaining right views, intentions, speech, actions, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration
Certain foods and drink are designated as kosher, which means
All animals must be ritually slaughtered. On the eighth day after birth, boys are circumcised in a ritual called
Brit Milah,
and girls are given a dedication
ceremony involving prayers and blessings.
- Direct cross-cultural interactions between people from culturally diverse backgrounds
- Extended contact with a cultural group to enhance understanding of its values and beliefs
Cultural Encounter
Abortion, artificial insemination, and stem cell use are prohibited.
seldom purchase commercial health insurance.
Role of Nurse in Cultural Awareness
- Identify your own cultural background, values, and beliefs,
- Examine your own cultural biases toward people whose cultures differ from your own culture.
Interpreter should be able to do the following:
o Translate the patient’s nonverbal as well as verbal communication.
o Translate the message into understandable terms.
o Act as a patient advocate to represent the patient’s needs to the health care team.
o Be culturally competent and understand how to provide teaching instructions.
Cultural Factors Affecting Health and Health Care
Time Orientation
Language and Communication
Economic Factors
Health Care System
Beliefs and Practices
Role of Nurse in Cultural Encounter
- Create opportunities to interact with predominant cultural groups
- Attend cultural events
- Visit markets and restaurants in ethnic neighborhoods
- Explore ethnic neighborhoods
- Visit or volunteer at health fairs in local ethnic neighborhoods.
- Learn about prominent cultural beliefs and practices, and incorporate this knowledge into planning
Many fast and abstain from meat and meat products on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. Sacrament of the Sick includes anointing of sick with oil, blessing by a priest, and communion
Vegetarian diet encouraged. Nonvegetarian members refrain from eating foods derived from any animal having a cloven hoof that chews its cud
Seventh-Day Adventism
Health-Related Beliefs and Practices of Selected Religious Group
❖ Amish
❖ Catholicism
❖ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
❖ Hinduism
❖ Islam
❖ Jehovah’s Witness
❖ Judaism
❖ Seventh-Day Adventism
❖ Buddhism
Fasting during daytime hours occurs during a month-long period called
Ability to understand patient’s unique cultural needs.
Cultural Awareness
Transfusions of blood in any form or agents in which blood is an ingredient are not acceptable
Jehovah’s Witness
How to Develop a Cultural Competence
Cultural Awareness
Cultural Knowledge
Cultural Skill
Cultural Encounter
Strategies for Working With an Interpreter
- Speak slowly.
- Maintain eye contact with the patient
- Talk to the patient, not the interpreter.
- Use simple language with as few medical terms as possible.
- Speak one or two sentences at a time to allow for easier translation.
- Avoid raising your voice during the interaction.
Strict dietary code called
Word of Wisdom
prohibits all alcoholic beverages, hot drinks
Fasting for 24-hour period occurs monthly on
“Fast Sunday.”
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
Strictly observant Jews never eat pork, shellfish, or predatory fowl and never mix milk dishes and meat dishes in preparing foods.
a way of life for a group of people. It includes the behaviors, beliefs, values, traditions, and symbols that the group accepts, generally without thinking about them
Role of Nurse in Cultural Knowledge
- Learn basic general information about predominant cultural groups in your geographic area.
- Assess patients for presence or absence of cultural traits
- Do not make assumptions based on cultural background
- Read research studies that describe cultural differences
- Read ethnic newspaper articles and books.
- View documentaries about cultural groups.
- Process of learning key aspects of a group’s culture, especially as it relates to health and health care practices
- Patients as the best source of information about their culture
Cultural Knowledge