Lesson 28 Flashcards
n. aggravation
v. aggravate
adj. making worse; annoying
syn. irritating
The aggravating delay was caused by road repairs.
The shortage of work aggravated the crisis in the small town.
adv. amusingly
adj. amusing
v. amuse
n. something that holds interest and is
syn. diversion
We listened in amusement as he tried to convince his friend to lend him $50.
His amusing comment made everyone laugh.
adj. conceivable
v. conceive
adv. feasibly; believably
syn. possibly
They could conceivably earn first place with their science project.
It is conceivable that humans will travel to distant planets one day.
adj. convertible
n. conversion
v. to change from one form or state to
syn. alter
When boiled, liquids convert into gases.
The conversion from Fahrenheit to centigrade can be easily made.
n. cure
adj. being able to restore to good condition
syn. healing
The curative properties of certain plants have been well documented.
There is no simple cure for the ills of society.
v. debilitate
n. debility
adj. weakening
syn. weakening
The lack of investment savings has a debilitating effect on the
The patient’s debility limited his mobility.
adj. depleted
n. depletion
v. to use up; reduce greatly
syn. consume
She depleted all of her savings to buy the word processor.
The depletion of the Earth’s oil reserves poses a threat to our current way of life.
adj. of a certain amount; having an end; not
syn. limited
There are a finite number of explanations for the unusual results.
Is there a finite number of stars in the universe?
adv. perceptibly
adj. perceivable
adj. perceptive
adv. perceptively
n. perception
v. to sense; become aware of
syn. observe
We perceive major differences between the two political parties.
Porpoises are very perceptive mammals.
adv. securely
adj. secure
v. secure
n. the feeling of freedom from danger, doubt,
or worry
syn. safety
Her sense of security increased as her grades improved.
We secured all of the doors of the lab before leaving.
take on
ph. v. to accept a task; to deal with something
syn. undertake
Certain programs take on the task of protecting a computer from
harmful Internet viruses.
The athlete enjoys taking on new fitness challenges.
n. toxicity
adj. harmful; capable of being fatal
syn. poisonous
Disposal of toxic wastes is an ongoing environmental issue.
This product has the highest toxicity of any known to science.
adv. tranquilly
adj. tranquil
v. tranquilize
n. calm; quietness
syn. peacefulness
The tranquility of the lake at sunrise inspired a profound sense of well-being.
His tranquil manner of expression made us all feel more secure.
adj. trapped
n. trap
v. to catch and hold onto, usually by
trickery; deceived
syn. retain
I was trapped into paying for the meal.
The trapped animals were released after being tagged by the wildlife
adj. undeniable
adv. clearly true
syn. absolutely
Of all the planets in our solar system, the Earth is undeniably the
most conducive to supporting life.
It is undeniable that he has skill, but he needs to show more initiative.
aqj. guessed lower than the actual quantity
v. underestimate
syn. miscalculated
The underestimated demand for tickets made the theater manager plan
better for the next performance.
The treasurer underestimated the cost of the new furniture.