Lesson 13 Flashcards
adv. crucially
adj. of great importance; extremely necessary
syn. critical
Favorable weather is crucial to a good harvest.
Having all the information necessary to make a good decision is crucially important.
n. a very important or famous person, usually
associated with a high position in
syn. celebrity
Every dignitary in Washington was invited to the wedding.
All of the high-ranking dignitaries attended the economic summit.
adj. elusive
n. elusiveness
v. to escape in a tricky way
syn. evade
The criminal has eluded the police for months.
Success has been elusive for the team.
adv. evidently
n. evidence
adj. easy to see, usually because of some proof
syn. apparent
It is evident that you are not feeling well.
All the evidence points to the presence of hydrogen.
adv. exhaustively
adj. exhaustive
adj. exhausting
adj. exhausted
n. exhaustion
v. to use completely; to expend all energy;
very thorough
syn. deplete
They exhausted their energy in ten minutes.
The exhaustive report was acclaimed by everyone.
adv. extensively
v. extend*
n. extension•
adj. large in area or number
* to offer; to make longer
syn. comprehensive
The extensive snowfall caused problems throughout the city.
The professor extended a warm welcome to the new student.
v. to be in the presence of and oppose
syn. confront
The mountain climbers faced grave danger on the cliff.
He finds it difficult to face his problems.
adj. faceted
n. element or component
syn. aspect
The proposal had many beneficial facets.
It was a multifaceted problem that challenged the entire student body.
n. a person or image that is loyally admired
n. idolatry or respected
adj. idolatrous
syn. hero
The Beatles, a famous singing group of the 1960s, were the idols of
many teenage girls.
Talented athletes often become idols in the eyes of their fans.
n. inaccessibility
adv. inaccessibly
adj. something that cannot be reached or
communicated with
syn. remote
The summit of the mountain was inaccessible.
The dignitary’s inaccessibility frustrated the reporter.
n. obliviousness
a. qj. obliviously
adj. to be unaware of or forgetful
syn. ignorant
The students were oblivious to the fact that the test would cover the
entire chapter.
The coastal inhabitants were oblivious to the dangers of the approaching hurricane.
adj. obvious
adv. in a clear, easy-to-understand way
syn. evidently
It had obviously rained.
It was obvious that he had not practiced his oral report.
n. offensiveness
adv. offensively
adj. causing anger; rude; being unpleasant
syn. insulting
Rotten eggs emit an offensive odor.
Her offensive remarks angered the entire audience.
adj. predictable
v. predict
n. prediction
adv. in a way that foretells future events
syn. expectedly
She predictably forgot to do her assignment.
The government’s predictions were accurate.
adv. suitably
v. suit
adj. appropriate; correct; convenient
syn. appropriate
Her dress was not suitable for the occasion.
The agreement suits all the members of the negotiating team.
adj. surpassable
n. surpasser
v. to go beyond
syn. exceed
The movie surpassed even the film critics’ high expectations.
The soccer player will probably surpass the scoring record set last year.
v. to support or maintain
n. upholder
syn. sustain
The tree house was upheld by three thick tree branches.
Each president of the United States must promise to uphold the constitution.