Lesson 15 Flashcards
n. adherence
v. to stick to or follow precisely
syn. comply
Travelers must adhere to the laws of the country they are visiting.
The referee’s excessively strict adherence to the rules upset the players.
n. durability
n. duration•
adj. something that lasts a long time
* time during which something lasts
syn. sturdy
It was a durable refrigerator, but it finally broke.
The durability of tires is a key factor in determining their quality.
v. to promote growth or development
syn. stimulate
The industrial revolution fostered the rise of the middle class.
Parents usually foster the development of good habits in their children.
adj. gainful
n. gain
v. to obtain something needed or useful;
to increase to the amount of something
syn. attain
He gained a lot of experience working as a volunteer.
His gain in knowledge was impressive.
adv. haltingly
adj. halting
n. halt
v. to stop or discontinue
syn. stop
Bus service to the city was halted due to poor road conditions.
The supervisor put a halt to the tardiness of the employees.
v. to deal with or control
n. handling
syn. manage
They handled themselves very well given the circumstances.
The president’s handling of the crisis was widely applauded.
v. to give protection; to not express a
desire or opinion, usually bad
syn. shelter
He harbors ill feelings for her.
They harbored the political refugee in their home.
adv. harmfully
v. harm
n. harm
adj. something that causes pain or damage
syn. unhealthy
Excessive radiation is harmful to the body.
Bleach harms certain fabrics.
adv. insignificantly
n. insignificance
adj. not important; of little value
syn. meaningless
The amount of rainfall this summer has been insignificant.
The insignificance of his comment became apparent with the passing
of time.
adv. mysteriously
n. mystery
n. mysteriousness
adj. not easily understood or figured out
syn. baffling
He had a mysterious effect on everyone who heard him speak.
The man’s disappearance was a mystery.
adv. perilously
n. peril
adj. threatening or risky; harmful
syn. dangerous
It is perilous to exceed the speed limit.
There are ample perils in the sport of mountain climbing.
n. promoter
n. promotion
v. to encourage or advertise; to elevate
in rank or grade
syn. boost
Many nations promote tourism to lure foreign currency.
The customers responded favorably to the half-price promotion.
n. redundancy
adv. redundantly
adj. being excessive; showing unnecessaiy
syn. repetitious
Students who ask teachers to “repeat that again” are being redundant
because “repeat” means “again.”
Lush, redundant vegetation is common in tropical climates.
n. rejection
v. to refuse
syn. refuse
The insurance company rejected the claim.
The rejection of his work was difficult for him to understand.
adv. substantially
a. qi. substantive
adj. important; strongly made; of value
syn. significant
The discovery of a vaccine for smallpox was a substantial medical
This substantive article will change your opinion of rock music.
n. specific qualities that distinguish one
from another
syn. characteristic
Her sense of humor and cheerful personality are some of her most
impressive traits.
Alma’s blonde hair is a trait inherited from her father.
v. to make evident or emphasize
syn. highlight
The high quality of the student’s science fair project underscored her
talent in biology.
The conclusion of the report should underscore its main ideas.