Lesson 19 Flashcards
n. antique
adj. too old to be presently useful; outmoded
syn. old-fashioned
This antiquated machinery breaks down too frequently.
Their home is filled with antique furniture.
adv. coherently
v. cohere
n. coherence
adj. cohesive•
n. cohesion•
adj. well reasoned; ideas that are clearly
*sticking together as a group
syn. logical
It was a well-balanced, coherent presentation.
There was a cohesive feeling among the new workers.
n. evolution
v. to grow; to go through a period of change
syn. develop
The management team’s idea evolved over a period of two years.
The country’s hopes for a rapid evolution of its economy depend on
approval of free trade agreements.
adj. fabricated
n. fabrication
v. to make up, usually with an intent
to fool or trick; to lie
syn. invent
The executive fabricated the story about the merger.
His alibi is the weakest fabrication I have ever heard.
adv. generically
adj. relating to a whole group or category of
syn. general
“Bird” is the generic term used to describe animals with feathers.
Universities provide students with the generic skills needed to compete
in the workplace.
adj. investigative
v. investigate
n. investigator
n. a careful examination in order to
determine facts
syn. probe
The comprehensive investigation of the bank revealed no illegal activity.
Some members of the Senate wanted to appoint a special investigator.
a. q,j. normal
v. normalize
n. normalization
n. norm
adv. commonly; usually
syn. typically
It is normally quite cold this time of the year.
The new treaty led to a normalization of relations between the two countries.
n. an idea, belief, or opinion
syn. concept
She has the notion that she wants to become an architect.
Some outlandish notions about the origin of the solar system have been disproved.
adj. something unusual, uncommon; new
syn. original
The physicist had some novel ideas about traveling at the speed of light.
The novel suggestions were implemented.
adj. nurturing
n. nurture
v. to support and encourage the development
of something
syn. cultivate
The owner of the vineyard carefully nurtures the grapevines in order to
produce the best grapes.
That school is well-known for having a nurturing learning environment.
adj. opposed
v. oppose
n. the state of acting against; not being in
syn. resistance
The students voiced their opposition to the rise in tuition.
The government opposed price controls.
adj. related
n. relation
n. relationship
v. to tell; to show a connection between two
syn. communicate
Although they did not agree with the plan, they did not relate their opposition to it.
What is the relationship between supply and demand?
adj. suspected
n. suspicion
n. suspect
v. to think that something is true, but having
no proof
syn. speculate
He suspected that the substance was not present in the compound.
I have a suspicion that he will want to participate in the investigation.
n. transformation
n. transformer
u. to change in form or appearance
syn. alter
The leader’s policies transformed the country in many positive ways.
The student’s transformation from a “D” student to a “B” student was remarkable.
v. to initiate, cause or start
adj. triggered
syn. generate
The possibility of being in the path of a hurricane triggered fear in the
residents of coastal areas.
The town hall meeting triggered a lively debate about the need for
increased taxes.
adj. with no preconceptions
syn. objective
Her unbiased analysis of the problem allowed her to find the solution more rapidly.
Here is unbiased proof that nitrogen exists in this compound.
adv. variably
adj. variable
adj. various
v. vary
n. variant
n. variety
n. variation
n. variability
adj. being of many different types
syn. diverse
The class expressed varied opinions about the movie. There are various ways to solve the problem.