lesson 2.2 Flashcards
-Understanding is a form of ecstasy and illumination
-Limitations on the unverse allow us for some predictability.
-Two types of reasoning: inductive and deductive
-Discussion on the different hierarchies of methods to be tested in the maintenance of the
-In order to see, one has to know what is essential and inessential
-Thought styles are derived from the collective body
-Thought styles isolated from each other will clash
-Epistemic development(progress about knowledge)
-Epistemic domains: truth, taste, and interpretation
-Discussion on how definitions can impact culture
All knowledge grows by the method of variation and selection found in living organism.
Karl Popper
Evolutionary Diagram of Knowledge
Karl Popper
Evolutionary Diagram of Knowledge steps
1.We select some problem – perhaps by stumbling over it
2. We try to solve it by proposing a theory as a tentative solution
3. Through the critical discussion of our theories our knowledge grows by the elimination of
some errors, and in this way we learn to understand our problems, and our theories, and the
need for new solutions.
Applies Darwin’s principle of natural selection to scientific theories and to other forms of
Evolutionary Diagram of Knowledge
It is involved with problem-solving and error elimination under different forms of selective
Evolutionary Diagram of Knowledge
It was the view of Popper that every organism, from the amoeba to Einstein, is constantly
engaged in problem solving
Evolutionary Diagram of Knowledge
Structure of the scientific revolution
Thomas Kuhn
Paradigm Shift Theory
Thomas Kuhn
Science does not evolve gradually toward truth. Science has a paradigm that remains
constant before going through a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some
phenomenon, and someone proposes a new theory.
Thomas Kuhn
- Highlights an initial normal science or thinking with which data are to be associated
-The model drift, crisis, and revolution are stages in the process wherein evidence does not match and support the existing normal science.
-Eventually, a paradigm shift is adopted that explains the discrepancies in the previous model. It would eventually be considered the new normal science and the cycle continues
Paradigm Shift Theory
Rational Construction Model
Imre Lakatos
A core theory surrounded by a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses
Rational Construction Model
are ideas derivable from a certain core theory which in turn may or
may not be supported by data and evidence
auxiliary hypotheses