Lesson 2: Strategy Development Processes Flashcards
What is a lens/perspective
A theoretical perspective is a special way of looking at and perceiving reaility.
The four lenses are based on different scientific positions:
1) Design lens = analytical and structural theory
2) Experience = Hermeneutic and pluralistic view
3) Idea lens = evolutionary, compley and chaos theories
4) The discourse lesn = language theory and critical theory
Some organisations can better be understood through one lens than another lens.
An organisation cannot have a certain lens, only observers and researchers can have a lens. People normally act goal oriented.
Why apply different lenses?
An industry, firm, customers, managers, account are not exact entities = no clear access to markets, you can’t see capital markets.
But by looking at the world through different lenses we better understand it and we create a deeper understanding.
Thereby we will be aware of more opportunities and risks: how much or how less is part of a company, is a company a ‘going concern’ or not and is it an attractive investment. How good (trustworthy) is the management?
What is the design lens?
Focus on the formal strategy planning process.
Look at the formal organisational structure.
Look at the formal decision making
Focus on optimisation of the organisation.
Strategy is very much a topdown process.
We distinguish between analyses and implementation.
Make most sense in simple and static environments.
What is the experience lens?
Focus on the non formal part of the organisation.
Focus at pattern of actions over time.
Look at experience, routines and values.
Look at the political negotiations between actors.
Uncover the taken for granted perceptions within the firm.
Produce explanations on organisational behaviour.
Focus on complexity in and around the organisation.
What is the idea/variation lens
Focus on change: ability to innovate of the company, diversity for new ideas, group work.
Focus on variation and differentiation
Focus on the context and on how that facilitates innovation.
Look at mechanisms of transmission, variation and selection.
Look at norms, innovations and markets.
Look at indirect management through simple rules.
What is the discourse lens?
How is the language of strategy applied in organisations
What power, identitity and legitimacy does the strategy language create?
Who talks in strategic terms and how they talk?
What values are connected to the strategy language?
What does the strategey language make visible and what does it hide?
Of special importance in complex and innovative context.
Are the lenses complementary?
They must be applied on at a time because they are based on different assumptions concerning people and structures.
If all four lenses are applied in a sequential way then they will add up a more detailed picture of reality.
Organisations cannot be a lens but managers, consultants and researchers can take a specific perspective on reality.
What is intended strategy development?
Strategic leadership, vision and command.
Strategic planning
Exgternally imposed strategies.
What is strategy development as strategic leadership?
A person can be seen as a strategic leader because:
He owns the company
He created the company
He turned the company arond in a difficult time
He has a very strong network
Strategic leadership can take place through: Command (dictated) by one person A vision Decision-making (a process) Symbolic actions
What is strategic planning?
Often in bigger organisations.
Strategy development as planning:
Follow the hierarchical order of the organisation.
Goals analysis, calculations, choice, implementations, control and revision.
What are the benefits of strategic planning?
A structured way of thinking and analysing
Can sometimes challenge the taken-for-granted assumptions.
Can create ownership (motivation)
Involve and communicate the strategy
A control tool
A tool of coordination
What are drawbacks of strategic planning?
Icebergs in the water = unclear how market evolves.
Neglect the political and cultural barriers.
Presume stability and predictability
Risk of only be an intellectual exercise.
People do not understand the entirety of the problems.
Can be too detailed and too inflexible.
Can neglect new posibilities
What are emposed strategies
By mergers and acquisitions (by owners) = given from a top company.
Market conditions: competitors, suppliers, customers.
Law makers: both public and private sector.
What are the development processes of emergent strategy
Most deliberate:
1) Logical incrementalism
2) Political processes
3) Prior Decisions
4) The product of organsational systems
What is logical incrementalism?
Each arrow represents an experiment, start from a point of departure. Then if a project doesn’t develop in direction you want, retransfer.
In the end, you get a broad target range of activities.
Eg. Pharmaceutical company trying different ways to solve diabetes.
Strategy development through a series of experiments, evaluations and learning = action oriented.
Strategy is formulated very broad in the beginning and strategy is implemented gradually. The company develops in small steps. These processes take place when an organisation is located in complex and dynamic environments.
Takes place when managers disagree about the goals.
In spite of the evolutionary character of the process the managers still influence the processes.