Lesson 13: Managing Changes Flashcards
What is TDC’s Danish organsation in 2000
The structure between 1997 and 2000 was functional
The three functions were: Sales & Marketing, Product development and Networks & installations
The advantages were scale in handling customers, product development and operations
The disadvantages were cross section coordination, overload of top management and lack of visibility of financial value
What was the TDC’s Dansih organsation in year 2001
The structure after 2000 was holding structure:
The subsidiary companies were fixed netowrk phone, mobile phone, internet and cable TV
The advantages were independence, visibility of values, easy to coordinate
Disadvantages were sub optimisation concerning product development and competition between subsidiairies concerning the same customers.
What was the change process of TDC?
1) February - April
Report from Goldman & Sachs: proposing a holding structure
2) May - June
Invitation of McKinsey to manage some of the change process. Work in project around the new business areas
3) July - August
Appointment of new directs of futre subsidiaries (in secreted)
Project groups dissolved and new directors from their own proect teams
Announcement of the new structure on the 23rd of August
4) September - October
More detailed structuring of new companies and decision on staffing
Massive internal and external communication
5) November - December
Physical moving of employees and change of logo
Development of new systems and turn down of old ones
What are the implications of and reflections over the change process?
The change took place rather fast and with little uncertainty:
High degree of top-down management
Tight management of time and deadlines
No dismiss of workers
A very tight control of information
Strategy follows structure:
Two reasons for change namely the creation of value, in teh stock market and the problem of overload of management
The new structure does not create competitve advantages by making the company uniqe
The new structure makes the firm uniform with other European competitors and made it more legitimate.
In this change strategy follows structure in order to decentralise
The lack of central coordination of strategy makes it difficult to draw lines between the business
What are the things that didn’t go well with the change process?
A different perception between top management and project teams concerning the task
The dissolving of project teams and the take over of new groups appointed by the new directors did not happen smoothly.
What happened subsequent after the changes?
TDC did not realise the value creation of the internet company because the stock market changed during the summer
TDC ran into doubled product development within the organisation
Two years later TDC Internet brought under TDC Landlines
What are the elemnts in managing strategic changes?
1) Diagnosis
2) Leading and managing change
3) Levers for change
4) Managing change problems
What are the types of strategic change?
Matrix with nature of change and extent of change
Types of change:
1) Realigment: changes within the paradigm
2) Transformative: change of paradigm
3) Incremental: small continuous changes
4) A big universal change
In the matrix:
1) Adaptation: small continuous changes within the paradigm
2) Reconstruction: Big and fast changes within the paradigm
3) Evoluation: gradual change of paradigm (change of strategy)
4) Revolution: big and fast change of paradigm (turn around)
What are the implications of types of change?
1) Adaptation: participation and intervention
Decentralised over long time
2) Reconstruction: participation, intervention and direction
Centralised quite fast
3) Evolution: education, participation and intervention
Decentralised over long time
4) Revolution: direction and edict
Centralised quite fast
What is the context of change?
Strategic change programmes:
Time, scope, preservation, diversity, capability, capacity, readiness, power
What is the organisational cultural context?
Paradigm surrounded with: stories, symbols, power structures, structures, control systems, ritals/ routines
Possibilities and blockade towards change:
What part of the existing culture can be used to facilitate change
What part of the existing culture is on obstacle toward change?
How can these obstacles be defeated?
What is a force cield analysis?
Hard work ethic that delivers results
Commitment of employees
Juggling priorities/potential flexibility
Forestry know-how
Encouragement/support of change from the top
Resisting: Traditional structure/ways of working Bureaucracy Departmental silos Homogeneous workforce Conservative/risk averse/slow to change Command and control management style Deference to senior staff Past experience of change was that nothing really changed
Additional: Encouragement to work in new ways Increased diversity of staff Clear articulation of a vision for the future Participation in the change process Skill development
What is a general model of change?
1) Unfreezing phase
Make clear that existing activities are not sufficient
Create a burning platform
Defeat resistance to change
2) Changing phase:
Make the changes (actions)
See to that they take place
3) Re-freezing phase
Tear down the earlier routines, systems and structures
Secure that it is not possible to return to earlier times
Formal change processes often follow a rational decision making process with elements of a learning process
What are strategic leadership roles
1) Leadership in general
Envision the future strategy
Aligning the organsation to deliver the strategy
Embodying changes
2) Middle manager
Sense making of strategy
Reinterpretation and adjustment of strategy
Advisors to senior managers
3) Newcomers & outsiders
A new manager from outside
Consultants –> specific knowledge, legitimacy, often why managers hire them
Other stakeholders: new owners
What are the styles of strategic leadership?
1) Theory E: Economic approach The pursuit of economic value Top-down Hard levers of change Emphasis on changes of structures and systems Financial incentives Portfolio changes Downsizing
2) Theory O: organsational approach
The development of organsational capability
Emphasis on cultural change
Participation in change prgrams and experimentation
What are the styles of managing changes?
More than one style can be applied through the change process: for instance a different style for each phase of the change process
Participation and aducation often take place in incremental changes and are often applied in professional bureaucracies and in adhocracies
Direction and edict are often applied in critical situations in machine bureaucracies, in divisional forms and in simple structures
What are structures and control systems
Implementation of new strategies often involves change in economic systems and organsational design
These types of changes are often part of the re-freezing phase.
Change of systems and structures are not always enough
Therefore strategic changes must sometimes be followed by change of organsational routines, rituals, sumbols and power structures.
What are organsational routines?
Refer to the way to do things
Routines are most of the time taken for granted
Routines can sometimes block for a readiness to listen to new ideas, iniatives and perceptions
There is a risk that new strategies are not implemented unless the existing routines are changed
New strategies must be followed on everyday activities
What types of organsational routines
1) Rites of passages
Signify a change of status or role
Eg. Induction to new roles, training programmes
2) Rites of enhancement
Recognise effort benefiting organsiation
Similarly motivate other
Eg. Awards ceremonies, promotions
3) Rites of renewal:
Reassure that something is being done, focus attention on issues
Eg. Appointment of consultant, project teams and workshops
4) Rites of integration
= encourage shared commitment, reassert rightness of norms.
Eg. Celebrations of achievement or new ways of doing things
5) Rites of conflict reduction:
= reduce conflict and aggression
Eg. Negotiating committees
6) Rites of challenge
= throwing down the gauntlet:
Eg. New CEO setting challenging goals
What are symbolic processes?
Symbols are objects, events and people that have a larger content of meaning than its immediate presentation suggests.
Strategic changes are not always visible for the ordinary employee
Symbols for change of the organisation can be:
Change of ritual concerning promotion, change of incentive systems, change of physical layout, change of logo, managerial behaviour (for instance expense), use of metaphors, use of new management language and concepts
What is power and political processes
How do change agents handle resistance to change, when they do not have full control
1) Building the power base:
Control over budget, knowledge and people
Building legitimacy associated with elites
Building alliances and team building
Problem: takes time and can be perceived by others as a threat
2) Overcome resistance to change
Withdrawal of resources (budget, knowledge and staff)
Build your own legitimacy and degradation of other credibly
Create momentum for change and attacking counter-manouver
Problem: requires superior power and can be detructive
3) Gaining commitment
Deal resources for those who are on the change
Box change heroes
Collaborate with others and use reward
Problem: requires resources and takes time
What are change tactics?
1) Timing:
The bigger the change the better to mobilise a crisis
An appointment of a new director and an acquisition create expectation of changes
Change agents must coordinate their signals
Act fast and avoid unnecessary anxiety
2) Cutback and lay off
It is best to implement lay off before the strategy process in order to reduce politicising the process
Do the lay off with an ethical responsibility
3) The importance of a fast success
Long run changes can benefit from small short successes which can maintain motivation