Lesson 2: Historical Development of Uloom al-Qur'ān Flashcards
When does ‘uloom al Quran start
- This science started as soon as the Quran was revealed-when Jibreel recited the first 5 verses of ‘Alaq in the cave of Hira.
the type of ‘Uloom al Quran that started with it (during the first time Jibreel recited the Quran to the messenger ﷺ
what are the 3 points The ‘uloom al Quran that started with surah Alaq goes back to
- The descending of the Quran-its nuzool
- It’s recitation-قِرَاءَتُه— the prophet ﷺ was told to recite- اقرأ
- Revelation- Al Wahy
these 3 started the moment the first 5 verses of Surah ‘Alaq were sent down, and was how ‘Uloom al Quran started
Importance given to ‘uloom al Quran by the messenger ﷺ
**عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، قَالَ ضَمَّنِي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وَقَالَ
“ اللَّهُمَّ عَلِّمْهُ الْكِتَابَ**
Narrated Ibn Ibn Abbas (the cousin of the messenger ﷺ)
Once the Prophet (ﷺ) embraced me and said, “O Allah! Bestow on him the knowledge of the Book (Qur’an).
* the scholars said this consists of a number ‘Uloom that is connected to the Quran; it’s recitation, it’s preservation (memorization) its interpretation (Tafsir) knowing its descending and the rulings in it, what’s abrogated and other than that.
**عن ابْن عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ وَضَعَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَدَهُ بَيْنَ كَتِفَيَّ أَوْ قَالَ عَلَى مَنْكِبَيَّ فَقَالَ اللَّهُمَّ فَقِّهْهُ فِي الدِّينِ وَعَلِّمْهُ التَّأْوِيلَ
Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, put his hand on my shoulder and he said, “O Allah, give him understanding in religion and teach him the interpretation of the Quran.”
-Musnad Imam Ahmed
* The interpretation of the Quran is then not only a part of ‘Uloom Al Quran, but also amongst its most important and greatest parts.
**عَنْ عُثْمَانَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ
**“ خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ
Narrated ‘Uthman:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”
* this encompasses a large portion of the Quran itself, not just its recitation, but rather its rulings, abrogation’s etc.
How many stages did the historical development of ‘Uloom al Quran go through, and how long were the eras of it?
- المرحلة الأولى | The first stage (From ‘Alaq until 200 AH)
- المرحلة الثانية | The second stage (second century to 794 AH)
- المرحلة الثالثة | The third stage (794 to 911 AH)
- المرحلة الرابعة | the fourth stage (911-now)
What characterized the first stage of the historical development of ‘Uloom al Quran
The time the Quran came down until the ending of the second century (hijri). The majority was narrations that were orally transmitted, there was some writing, but the majority were oral transmissions
What were the methods of books and authoring them during the first stage
This was divided into 2
### 1. الكتابات الجزئية للتفسير-partial writings of exegesis (not complete form)
- مجاهد بن جبر (ت١٠٤هـ) الذي كتب تفسير شيخه ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما (ت٦٨هـ-“Mujaahid ibn Jabr (died 104 AH), who wrote the exegesis of his teacher Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both (died 68 AH).”
2. الكتابة الشاملة لجميع القرآن | comprehensive writing of the entire Quran (entirety)
- ضحاك بن مزاحم (ت١٠٥هـ)-Dhahak ibn Muzahim (105 AH)
- تفسير مقاتل بن سليمان (ت١٥٠هـ)-Tafsir Muqatil bin Sulayman (150 AH)- we have his tafsir in complete and it is published
- تفسير يحيى بن سلام البصري (ت٢٠٠هـ)-The Tafsir (exegesis) of Yahya ibn Salam al-Basri (died 200 AH)-We only have a portion of his Tafsir, and not all of it has been published
they also speak about other issues like naskh, mecci and medini etc
First stage:
كتب مفردة في نوع من أنواع علوم القرآن |Authors/books specializing in a particular branch of Quranic sciences during the first stage:Mecci and medeni
What were the books that specialized in Mecci/Medni during this stage?
- ضحاك بن مزاحم (ت١٠٥هـ)- Dhahak ibn Muzahim (died 105 AH)
- عكرمة (ت١٠٥هـ)-Ikrimah (died 105 AH)
- الحسن البصري (ت١١٠هـ)-Hasan al-Basri (died 110 AH)
- الزهري (ت١٢٤هـ-Al-Zuhri (died 124 AH)
First stage:
كتب مفردة في نوع من أنواع علوم القرآن | Authors/books specializing in a particular branch of Quranic sciences during the first stage:**الناسخ والمنسوخ | Abrogating and Abrogated
Books that specialized in abrogating and abrogated during this stage
- قتادة (ت١١٧هـ)-Qatadah (died 117 AH)
- الزهري (ت١٢٤هـ)-Al-Zuhri (died 124 AH)
- عطاء بن مسلم-Ata ibn Muslim
- محمد بن السائب الكلبي-Muhammad ibn al-Sa’ib al-Kalbi
- مقاتل بن سليمان-Muqatil ibn Sulayman (150 AH)
- الحسن ابن وقد القرشي-Al-Hasan ibn Waqid al-Qurashi
- عبد الرحمٰن بن زيد أسلم-Abd al-Rahman ibn Zayd Aslam
First stage:
كتب مفردة في نوع من أنواع علوم القرآن | Authors/books specializing in a particular branch of Quranic sciences during the first stage: الوجوه والنظائر | Homonyms and Synonyms (verses that are similar, there different meanings, structure, same spelling different meanings)
Books that specialized in homonyms and synoyms
- هارون الأعور (ت١٧٠هـ)-Harun al-A’war (died 170 AH)
- يحيى بن سلام (ت٢٠٠هـ-Yahya ibn Salam (died 200 AH)
What was the second stage characterized by
- It ends at the book of “Al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Qur’an by Badr al-Din Muhammad al-Zarkashi(794)
- books of Tafsir were already still being written (even to this day).
- books that have been written that are comprehensive that are written in the entirety of ‘uloom al Quran have still not been written
Books of Tafsir during the second stageBooks of Tafsir during the second stage
- جامع البيان عن تأويل آي القرآن» للطبري (ت٣١٠هـ)-Jami’ al-Bayan ‘an Ta’wil Ay al-Qur’an” by al-Tabari (died 310 AH)
- «المحرر الوجيز» لابن عطية-“Al-Muharrar al-Wajiz” by Ibn Atiyyah
- الجامع لأحكام القرآن» للقرطبي (ت٦٧١هـ)-Al-Jami’ li Ahkam al-Qur’an” by al-Qurtubi (died 671 AH)
- البحر المحيط» لأبي حيان (ت٧٤٥هـ)-Al-Bahr al-Muhit” by Abu Hayyan (died 745 AH) (He met Shaykh al islam Ibn taymiyyah and at one point they were friends. But he had great love for sibwayh. When Ibn Taymiyyah didn’t agree with sibawayh, they fell out and he wrote poetry against Ibn Taymiyyah
- تفسير القرآن العظيم» لابن كثير (ت٧٧٤هـ)-Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘Azim” by Ibn Kathir (died 774 AH)
books of specialized (specifically on) Quranic sciences | كتب علوم القرآن المفردة during the second stage
- فضائل القرآن» لأبي عبيد القاسم بن سلام (ت٢٢٤هـ)-“Virtues of the Quran” by Abu Ubaid al-Qasim ibn Sallam (died 224 AH)
- تأويل مشكل القرآن» لابن قتيبة (ت٢٧٦هـ)-“Interpretation of the Problematic Verses of the Quran” by Ibn Qutaybah (died 276 AH)
- أحكام القرآن» للطحاوي (ت٣٢١هـ)-“Rulings of the Quran” by al-Tahawi (died 321 AH)
- الناسخ والمنسوخ» لأبي جعفر النحاس (ت٣٣٨هـ)-“Abrogating and Abrogated” by Abu Ja’far al-Nahhas (died 338 AH)
- التبيان في إعراب القرآن» للعكبري (ت٦١٦هـ)-“Al-Tibyan in the Parsing of the Quran” by al-Al’ukbari(died 616 AH)
- البرهان في ترتيب سور القرآن لأبي جعفر بن الزبير الغرناطي (ت٧٠٨هـ)-“Al-Burhan in the Arrangement of Surahs of the Quran” by Abu Ja’far ibn al-Zubayr al-Gharnati (died 708 AH)
benefit: Ubaid al-Qasim ibn Sallam (died 224 AH), Ibn Qutaybah (died 276 AH) etc (anything after 200 AH) is considered third century
Distinct Qualities of the second stage
- The authors of the books of ‘uloom al Quran intended to organize it in terms of topics
- Tafsir
- Qira’at
- Al Ahkam
- ‘irab
such as
- الاستغناء في تفسير القرآن»، لمحمد بن علي بن أحمد، المعروف بالأُدْفُوي (ت٣٨٨هـ).-Al-Istighna’ in the Interpretation of the Quran by Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Ahmad, known as al-udfoowee(died 388 AH).”
- البرهان في تفسير القرآن»، لعلي بن إبراهيم بن سعيد، المعروف بالحوفي (ت٤٣٠هـ-Al-Burhan in the Interpretation of the Quran by Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Sa’id, known as al-hawfee(died 430 AH)-There is a dispute if it is fi ulom al quran or fi tafsir al quran
- الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية في علم معاني القرآن وتفسيره وأحكامه وجمل من فنون علومه»، لمكي بن أبي طالب (ت٤٣٧هـ)-“Guidance to Reaching the End in the Knowledge of the Meanings of the Quran, Its Interpretation, Its Rulings, and Summaries of Its Various Sciences by Makki ibn Abi Talib (died 437 AH).”
The scholars above are writing Tafsir in terms of topics.
- Books that gather types (not yet comprehensive but many times) of ‘uloom al quran
- فهم القرآن» للحارث المحاسبي (ت٢٤٣هـ)-Understanding the Quran by al-Harith al-mahasibee (died 243 AH)-he lived during the time of Imam Ahmed
- التَّنبيه على فضل علوم القرآن»، لأبي القاسم الحسن بن محمد بن الحسن بن حبيب (ت٤٠٦هـ)-The Alert to the Virtues of Quranic Sciences” by Abu al-Qasim al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Habib (died 406 AH) (١)
- فنون الأفنان في علوم القرآن»، لابن الجوزي (ت٥٩٧هـ).-The Varied Arts in Quranic Sciences” by Ibn al-Jawzi (died 597 AH)
- جمال القراء، وكمال الإقراء»، لعلم الدين السخاوي (ت٦٤٣هـ).-The Beauty of the Reciters and the Perfection of Recitation” by Alam al-Din al-Sakhawi (student of Abu Qasim Ash Shatibi)(died 643 AH)-this is not Shamsaddin askhawi of fathul mugeeth
- المرشد الوجيز إلى علوم تتعلق بالكتاب العزيز»، لأبي شامة المقدسي (ت٦٦٥هـ).-The Concise Guide to the Sciences Related to the Noble Book” by Abu Shamah al-Maqdisi (died 665 AH)
What was the third stage characterized by
- also known as a time when جمع الكل-collecting everything was the desire
- Everything is more comprehensive, and this is from the start of Al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Qur’an by Badr al-Din Muhammad al-Zarkashi(794) until الإتقان في علوم القرآن-“Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Quran by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti
- Books came out that were focused on gathering ‘uloom al Quran such as Tafsir (which to this day hasn’t stopped)
Books that were focused on gathering ‘Uloom al Quran like tafsir during the third stage
- التقييد الكبير في تفسير كتاب الله المجيد»، لأحمد بن محمد البسيلي التونسي (ت٨٣٠هـ)، وقد طُبِع منه إلى تفسير سورة آل عمران.-Al-Taqyeed al-Kabeer fi Tafseer Kitab Allah al-Majeed” by Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Basili al-Tunisi (died 830 AH), and it has been printed up to the interpretation of Surah Al-Imran.
- الجواهر الحسان في تفسير القرآن»، للثعالبي الجزائري (ت٨٧٥هـ)، وهو مطبوع-Al-Jawahir al-Hisan fi Tafseer al-Quran” by al-Th’aalibe al-Jazairi (died 875 AH), and it is printed.
- نظم الدرر في تناسب الآيات والسور» لبرهان الدين البقاعي (ت٨٨٥هـ)، وهو مطبوع-nadhm al-Durar fi Tanasub al-Ayat waSuwar” by Burhan al-Din al-Biqa’i (died 885 AH), and it is printed.