Lesson 16 Flashcards
Relevant /’re le vent/
Adj. Pertaining to the matter at hand
Pleasant /’ple zent/
Adj. Agreeable, enjoyable
Gradient /’gra de ent/
N. A slope
Constant /’kong stant/
Adj. Faithfulness, consistent
Adjacent /e ‘ja sent/
Adj. Nearby; connected at a point; adjoining
Frequent /’fre kwent/
Adj. Happening often
Reluctant /ri ‘luk tent/
Adj. Unwilling
Applicant /’a pli Kent/
N. A person who applies for a job, candidate
Absorbent /eb ‘sor bent/
Adj. The tendency to soak up
Propel /pre ‘pel/
V. To move forward by a force ; drive
Sculling /’sku ling/
N. A form rowing, scull racing
Rhythm /ri them/
Adj. A movement with a recurring pattern of elements; repetition
Strokes /’strokes/
N. Pl. plural of STROKE; unbroken movements
Negotiate /ni ‘go she at/
V. To travel successfully along; to navigate
Framework /’fram work/
N. A skeletal structure