Lesson 10 Flashcards
Potential /pe ‘tent shel/
Adj. Showing great promise
Anxious /’angk shes/
Adj. Worried
Essential /I ‘sent shel/
Adj. Absolutely necessary
Explosion /ek ‘splo zhen/
N. Sudden, powerful burst
Sufficient /se ‘fi shent/
Adj. Enough
Beneficial /be ne ‘fi shel/
Adj. That which improved one’s well-being
Especially /is ‘pesh le/
Adv. particularly
Distinction /di ‘stingk shen/
N. The star of standing out of others
Discussion /di ‘sku shen/
N. An oral considering of a question or idea
Obnoxious /ob ‘nok shes/
Adj. Rudely annoying
Omniscient /om ‘in shent/
Adj. All-knowing
Transitional /tran ‘zi she nel/
Adj. Moves from one stage or another
Height /’hit/
N. The distance from top to bottom of someone or something
Official /e ‘fi shel/
N. One whose duty is to act as referee
Arenas /e ‘re nez/
N. Pl. Plural of ARENA, enclosed stadiums
Technical ‘tek ni kel/
Adj. Relating to a specific subject
Strategy /’stra te je/
N. A careful plan or method
Opponents /e ‘po nents/
N. Pl. plural of OPPONENT, competitors
Possession /pe ‘se shen/
N. A period of controlling the ball
Immigrant /’I me grent/
N. One who has moved from one country to another
Migrate /’Mi grat/
V. To move from one country to another
Disrespectful /dis ri ‘spekt fel/
Adj. Not showing proper honor
Respectable /ri ‘spek te bel/
Adj. Capable of being viewed favorably
Crucifixion /ˌkro͞osəˈfikSHən/
N.the execution of a person by nailing or binding them to a cross.
Onomatopoeia /ˌänəˌmadəˈpēə,ˌänəˌmädəˈpēə/
N. the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g., cuckoo, sizzle ).