Lesson 15 Flashcards
Sense /’sents/
N. 1. A function of perception such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste 2. To become conscious of.
Since /’sints/
Adv. 1. From a definite time in the past until now. 2.Because.
Intense /in ‘tents/
Adj. 1. To an extreme degree. 2. Showing great determination or zeal.
Diligence /’di le jents/
N. Perseverance in performing one’s obligations.
Convince /ken ‘vints/
V. To persuade.
Pretense /’pre tents/
N. A claim made that is not supported by fact.
Condense /ken ‘dents/
V. To make more compact
Assistance /e ‘sis tents/
N. Help
Resistance /ri ‘zis tents/
N. An opposing or slowing force
Excellence /’ek se lents/
N. Superiority
Experience /ik ‘spir e ents/
N. Direct observation and participation.
Independence /in de ‘pen dents/
N. Freedom
Aerial /’ar e el/
Adj. Occurring in the air above the surface.
Towrope /’to rop/
N. A line used in towing a water-skier behind a boat; a line used for towing.
Balancing /’ba lent sing/
V. Maintaining physical equilibrium.
Competition /kom pe ‘ti shen/
N. A contest between opponents
Accelerates /ik ‘se le rats/
V. Increases in the speed
Hydroplaning /’Hi dre pla Ning/
N. Skinning across water
Perpendicular /Pur pen ‘di kye lur/
Adj. Standing at right angles to a given plane or surface
Inflection /in ‘flek shen/
N. 1. The state of having a change in the pitch of one’s voice. 2. A suffix that changes the part of speech or function of a word
Reflected /ri ‘flek Ted/
V. 1. Past tense of REFLECT; light bent back into one’s eyes 2. To think about a past event
Functional /’fungk she nel/
Adj. The state of performing
Malfunction /mal ‘fungk shen/
N. 1. A state of performing badly ;a breakdown. 2. To preform badly; to break down
Efficiency /ih fish uh n see/
N. The state of quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something with the least waste of time and effort ; competency in performance
Displacement /dis ‘plas ment/
N. The moving of something from its place or position