Lesson 13 Flashcards
Counsel /’kount sel/
V. 1 To advise N. 2 Advice
Council /’kount sel/
N. A club; a group that makes rules and takes care of other matters for a larger group.
Principal /’print se pel/
N. A person who has authority in a leading position
Principle /’print se pel/
N. A rule of action or conduct
Stationary /’sta she nar e/
Adj. Immoblile
Stationery /’sta she nar e/
N. Materials used for writing such as paper, pens, and envelopes.
Complement /kom ‘ple ment/
V. To fill up , complete or perfect something else.
Compliment /kom ple ment/
N. An expression of admiration or praise.
Permit /pur ‘mit/
V. To allow ; give consent ; authorize
Permit /’pur mit/
N. Written permission ; license
Content /ken tent/
Adj. Satisfied
Content /’kon tent/
N. Something contained.
Contrast /’kon trast/
N. A sharp or striking differences of
Compact /kem pakt/
V. Combine ; to press together
Compact /kem ‘pakt/
Adj. Occupying a small space
Medley /’med le/
N. An assortment or mixture
Goggles /go gelz/
N. Protective glasses in a plastic or rubber frame that fits snugly against the face to protects the eyes
Chorine /’klor en/
N. A chemical used for water purification
Aquatics /e ‘kwa tiks/
N. Pl. Plural of AQUATIC; water sports.
Difficulty /’di fi kel te/
N. Not easy to achieve
Acrobatics /a kre ‘ba tiks/
N. A spectacular performance demonstrating agility or complexity
Springboard /’ spring bord/
N. A flexible board secured at one end for diving
Dormant /’dor ment/
Adj. The state of being asleep; inactive
Dormitory /’dor me tor e/
N. A place to go to sleep; a residence hall usually without private bathrooms
Apparent /e ‘par ent/
Adj. Inclined to appear ; visible; obvious
Transparency /trants ‘par ent ce/
N. The quality of light passing through objects so they can be seen from one side to the other side.
Exponent /ik sponent ; eksponent/
N. A person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an iof or theory ; A quantity representing the power to which given number or expression is to be raised , usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the or expression
Pentatonic /pen (t) e tanik/
Adj. Relating to bases on, or denoting a scale of 5 notes , especially one semitones equivalent to an ordinary major scale with the forth and seventh omitted