Lesson 12 : Enhancing the portfolio (6-7 questions) Flashcards
What are the five SAFe Principles that particularly influence large solutions builder’s adoption of Enterprise Solution Delivery (ESD) practices?
Principle #3, Assume variability; preserve options addresses the inherent uncertainty in large solution development and encourages practitioners to keep options open by applying Set-Based Design and a fixed-variable Solution Intent.
Principle #4, Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles recognizes that new knowledge reduces uncertainty instead of highly-detailed plans and specifications. Quickly building, integrating, and, when possible, deploying new system functionality provides the technical, user, and operational feedback needed to learn and adjust.
Principle #5, Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems encourages solution builders to evaluate progress based on objective, demonstrable evidence rather than proxies like traditional phase-gate milestones.
Principle #9, Decentralize decision-making reduces the delays inherent in escalating decisions that can dramatically slow productivity and decision quality at large scale, leading to delayed feedback and limiting innovation.
Principle #10, Organize around value reduces the functional silos that encourage large work batches, handoffs, and delays and creates optimal Agile Teams and Development Value Streams that can deliver value faster, more predictably, and with higher quality.
Enterprise Solution Delivery (ESD) is one of the seven core competencies for Business Agility,
What are the 3 dimensions associated with Enterprise Solution Delivery (ESD)?
- Lean System Engineering
- Coordinating Trains and Suppliers
- Continually Evolving Live Systems
The ESD competency describes ten best practices for applying Lean-Agile development to build and advance some of the world’s most important solutions.
Considering one of the dimension of ESD, Lean System Engineering what are some of the practices associated with this dimension?
1) Specify the solution incrementally
2) Apply multiple planning horizons
3) Design for change
4) Frequently integrate the end-to-end solution
5) Continously address compliance concerns
The ESD competency describes ten best practices for applying Lean-Agile development to build and advance some of the world’s most important solutions.
Considering one of the dimensions of ESD, Coordinating Trains and Suppliers what are some of the practices associated with this dimension?
1) Use solutioin trains to build large solutions
2) Manage the supply chain
The ESD competency describes ten best practices for applying Lean-Agile development to build and advance some of the world’s most important solutions.
Considering one of the dimension of ESD, Continually Evolving Live Systems what are some of the practices associated with this dimension?
1) Build an end-to-end Continuous Delivery Pipeline
2) Evolve deployed systems
3) Activley manage AI/machine learning systems.
What is a ‘solution intent’ and how is it used?
Solution intent communicates the solution’s current requirements and design decisions.
Solution intent is a critical knowledge repository to store, manage, and communicate ‘what is being built’ and, where necessary, ‘how it will be built.’ It serves many purposes:
- Provides a single source of truth regarding the intended and actual behavior of the solution
- Records and communicates requirements, design, and system architecture decisions
- Facilitates further exploration and analysis activities
- Aligns the Customer, Agile Teams, and Suppliers to a common mission and purpose -Supports Compliance and contractual obligations
By managing and communicating a more flexible approach to the system’s current and intended structure and behavior, the Solution Intent aligns all solution builders to a shared direction
What is a ‘solution context’ and how is it different from a ‘solution intent’?
Solution intent is a repository that communicates the solution’s current requirements and design decisions.
Solution Context, defines the system’s deployment, environmental, and operational constraints. Solution Context identifies the critical aspects of the environment in which a solution operates.
Together, they align teams and provide the necessary information for compliance. Teams use the Solution Intent to drive their backlogs and localized decision-making
A multi-year solution roadmap of milestones and < blank > informs the PI Roadmaps that decompose nearer-term entities into < blank > and < blank >.
A multi-year solution roadmap of milestones and Epics informs the PI Roadmaps that decompose nearer-term entities into Capabilities and Features
The SAFe Solution Train is led by what 3 agile roles?
Solution Train Engineer
Solution Architect
Solution Management
In SAFe, solutions deliver the Portfolio’s value. What are the four fundamental properties assoicated with a solution?
Hint: When I build a solution I want the solution to be… DFVS
In SAFe, the term ‘solution’ is intentionally general, defined as a:
- product
- system, or
- service that provides value to internal or external customers.
Desirable – Do customers and users want the solution?
Feasible – Can we deliver the right solution through a combination of build, buy, partner, or acquire endeavors?
Viable– Is the way we build and offer the solution creating more value than cost?
Sustainable – Are we proactively managing our solution to account for its expected product-market lifecycle?
Design thinking represents a profoundly different approach to product and solution development, in which divergent and convergent techniques are applied to understand a problem, design a solution, and deliver that solution to the market. What are the two diamond shaped themes associated with system thinking that produce a solution?
Understand the Problem
- discover (diverge)
- define (converge)
Design the Right Solution
- develop (diverge)
- deliver (converge)
What are the dimensions and associated activities for Lean Portfolio Management?
Strategy & Investment Funding – ensures the entire portfolio is aligned and funded to create and maintain the solutions needed to meet business targets.
Agile Portfolio Operations – coordinates and supports decentralized ART execution and operational excellence.
Lean Governance – provides oversight and decision-making of spending, audit, compliance, forecasting expenses, and performance measurement.
Strategic and investment funding
- connect the porfolio flow to the enterprise strategy
- maintain a porfolio vision
- realize portfolio vision through Epics
- establish lean budgets and guardrails
- establish portfolio flow
Agile Portfolio operations
- Coordinate value streams
- Support ART execution
- Foster operational excellence
Lean governance
- Forecast and budget dynamically
- Measure portfolio performance
- Coordinate continous compliance
The LPM function relies on three significant events. What are they and how often do they occur?
Strategic portfolio Review (every 3 months)
Portfolio Sync (6 months)
Participatory Budgeting (6 months)
Providing a continuous strategy, implementation and budget alignment is part of what LPN Event?
a) Participatory budgetting
b) Portfolio Sync
c) Lean Governance
d) Strategic Portfolio Review
d) Strategic Portfolio Review
The Strategic Portfolio Review:
* Focused on achieving and advancing the portfolio Vision
* Provides continuous strategy, implementation, and budget alignment
* Typically held once a PI, at least one month before the next PI
Provides visibility into how well the portfolio
is progressing toward meeting its objectives is part of what LPN Event?
a) Participatory budgetting
b) Portfolio Sync
c) Lean Governance
d) Strategic Portfolio Review
b) Portfolio Sync
Focused on portfolio operations:
* Provides visibility into how well the portfolio
is progressing toward meeting its objectives
* Typically held monthly and may be replaced on a given month with the strategic portfolio review.
Provides a forum for stakeholders to decide how to invest the portfolio budget across Solutions and Epics is part of what LPN Event?
a) Participatory budgetting
b) Portfolio Sync
c) Lean Governance
d) Strategic Portfolio Review
a) Participatory budgetting
Focused on establishing and adjusting Lean budgets
* Provides a forum for stakeholders to decide how
to invest the portfolio budget across Solutions and Epics
* Typically held every two PIs
The starting point to understand how enterprise strategy connects to a portfolio is to understand < what >?
The starting point to understand how enterprise strategy connects to a portfolio is to understand strategic themes
Strategic themes connect the enterprise strategy to a portfolio. They distill strategic factors such as the enterprise vision, competitive environment, and existing portfolio context into concise, actionable, measurable goals.
As such, strategic themes are best stated in what format?
Objective and Key Result (OKR)
Measuring portfolio performance is done under what dimension of LPM?
There are thee dimenstions associate with LPM:
1. Strategy and investment funding
2. Agile portfolio operations
3. Lean Governance
Measuing portfolio performance is done under Lean Governance dimension.
Coordinate continuous
compliance is done under what dimension of LPM?
There are three dimensions associate with LPM:
1. Strategy and investment funding
2. Agile portfolio operations
3. Lean Governance
Coordinate continuous compliance is done under Lean Governance dimension.
Coordinate Value Streams is done under what dimension of LPM?
There are thee dimensions associate with LPM:
1. Strategy and investment funding
2. Agile portfolio operations
3. Lean Governance
Measuing portfolio performance is done under Agile Portfolio operations dimension.
Support ART Exection is done under what dimension of LPM?
There are thee dimensions associate with LPM:
1. Strategy and investment funding
2. Agile portfolio operations
3. Lean Governance
Measuing portfolio performance is done under Agile Portfolio operations dimension.
Coordinate continuous complance is done under what dimension of LPM?
There are thee dimensions associate with LPM:
1. Strategy and investment funding
2. Agile portfolio operations
3. Lean Governance
Measuing portfolio performance is done under Lean Governance dimension.
What are the six steps associated with adopting LPM for your organization?
- Align - Explore what LPM is and how to align stakeholders in preparation for launching the LPM implementation.
- Organize
- Strategize - Guidance for designing your LPM implementation and strategizing with portfolio themes, budgets and more.
- Operate - Guidance for evolving your portfolio kanban, facilitating effective LPM events, and participatory budgeting.
- Govern
- Measure and Grow
True or False
Each new value stream must go through the same steps that you did for the first value stream?
Critical to the ways of manage the supply chains, ESD suggests < what > as a means to a winning strategy?
Strategic partners and suppliers should operate like an ART by participating in SAFe events (planning, demos, I&A), using backlogs and roadmaps, and adjusting to changes.
To operate like an ART, suppliers must utilize ART-like roles. The supplier’s Product Manager and Architect continuously align backlogs, roadmaps, and architectural runways with the overall solution.
They must also align on the same cadence and driven by the same shared vision and roadmap.
Similarly, System Teams from both organizations share scripts and context to minimize errors and delays with integration handoffs
A typical project-based approach to development invests in the initial system development but requires separate ‘modernization efforts’ to update them.
How does SAFe suggest to address this issue?
A product-based approach to development recognizes solutions evolve continuously and funds a Development Value Stream that continually flows value to customers.
Leaders define a product vision and roadmap to accelerate time to market and simultaneously build the solution and the CDP infrastructure necessary to evolve it.
Over their lifecycle, products follow the typical S-curve adoption, with innovation and Design Thinking occurring throughout to evolve the solution.
Why is it important to focus on the flow of value through the portfolio when the actual work of solution building occurs in Agile teams and trains?
Portfolios connect the enterprise’s strategy to the execution of value creation by aligning the vision, Lean budgets, value stream organization, and epic priorities with the larger aims of the business.
If however:
- epics moving through the portfolio encounter bottlenecks
- the portfolio takes on too much WIP, exceeding the capacity of its value streams
- portfolio leaders continue to apply legacy waterfall governance policies to Agile development
- shifts in solution strategy are not validated with customers through fast feedback
Then these interruptions to portfolio flow will negatively impact the teams and trains responsible for building the portfolio’s solutions.
As ‘Features’ are to the ART < blank > is the to the Solution Train
Capabilities are the higher-level solution behavors that can span multiple ARTs.
As the Product Manager is to the ART < blank> is to the Solution train.
Solution Manager
The solution manager is responsible for defining and supporting the building of desirable, feasible, viable and substainable large scale buisness solutions
What are ESD events?
Sync Meeting (RTE, PM and Arch Sync)
Solution Demo
Inspect & Adapt
Pre-plan Workshop
Solution Train PI Planning
< blank > is an organizational function responsible for facilitating the Lean Portfolio Management process and for fostering operational excellence and lean governance as part of a Lean-Agile transformation.
The Value Management Office (VMO) supports portfolio
operations and ART execution and includes;
► Facilitates the Portfolio Sync
► Works with the LACE to develop, harvest, and apply
successful ART execution patterns across the portfolio
► Facilitates Lean budgeting and coordinates
portfolio governance
► Fosters decentralized PI Planning and
operational excellence
► Fosters more Agile contracts and leaner Supplier and
Customer partnerships.